Chapter Six:

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For the next several days, Lyra had to ignore the whispers surrounding her that suggested she had assisted her father into the castle, which was complete rubbish. She had done no such thing and was getting rather fed up with everyone thinking otherwise. She didn't let it get to her though, she held her head up high and continued about her day. She was a Black, after all, there was no way she would let such things bother her. 

One day, she walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and was surprised to find Snape standing at the front rather than Lupin. She racked her brain and realized it was the full moon. It must be a particularly bad one if he was so sick. She bit her lip worriedly and dropped into her seat, pulling out her book as Snape began to say that Lupin left no list of topics they had already covered. Harry burst in and started to apologize before realizing it wasn't Lupin. Lyra watched with veiled amusement as Snape and Harry argued. It was slightly funny just how much they hated each other.

Her amusement faded when Snape informed them they would be learning about werewolves. Was he trying to get Lupin sacked? Honestly, he probably was, he seemed to hate him nearly as much as he did Harry. 


The next day was that of the Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor quidditch match and it was pouring. The rain was coming down in buckets and the sky was dark. Lyra had to admit she rather liked the weather. She found the sound of rain calming, but she wasn't necessarily excited to be going out in it. She would be rooting for Gryffindor, but Padma was rooting for Hufflepuff, so Lyra was going to sit with Hermione for the match. 

She made her way through the downpour to the stands with Hermione at her side. She could barely see anything through the rain, so the match would be difficult to watch. None the less, she fought through the rain to the stands and watched as the match began. She herself didn't play quidditch. She was good at it though, if she wanted to she could probably become a chaser, but she didn't want all the attention, especially not with her father having escaped Azkaban. Maybe she would try out for the team a different year.

The game was dragging on without much difference. Suddenly, an eerie silence spread across the field, one that only came from dementors. Sure enough, she spotted the cloaked creatures sweeping through the sky. She whipped out her wand and exclaimed,

"Expecto Patronum!" Her dog Patronus shot from the end of her wand and joined a couple of others in driving away the dementors. Then, she noticed someone was falling -no- Harry was falling. She watched in shock as he fell, only to be stopped by Dumbledore before he hit the ground. She joined Hermione and Ron in hurrying up to the hospital wing to see if he was alright. 

A while later, she was sitting in a chair next to Harry's hospital bed waiting for him to wake up. The Weasleys were talking about chucking Ron off of the Astronomy Tower when Harry stirred awoke up. 

"Are you all right Harry?" asked Lyra in concern. Harry nodded,

"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?" Hermione and Ron began to explain about the game, dementors, and him falling. Lyra stood up and slipped out of the hospital wing, leaving them to catch up. She left for the peace of the Astronomy Tower, slipping through the corridors entirely unnoticed by everyone. Well, except for Remus Lupin, who was still curious about the girl. He cautiously followed her and was surprised to find her slip up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower. 

Lyra sighed, staring up at the sky. She wondered what her life would have been like had her father not done whatever it was he had done. She was entirely unsure about him, though when she had met him in his dog form he certainly didn't look murderous. Suddenly, she stiffened, returning to her normal self as she heard light footsteps come up the stairs. She doubted she would have been able to hear them at all had she not been an animagus. She sighed and sat down at the edge of the balcony, dangling her feet off of the edge as Remus Lupin came into the Astronomy Tower.

"Hello Professor. Did you need something?" she asked, not turning from where she was staring out across the grounds. Lupin paused uncertainly at the top of the staircase.

"Nothing in particular." He told her, sitting down as well.

"Oh. Then why are you here?" asked Lyra, already knowing the answer. 

"I wanted to properly meet you. The train ride didn't count, as there was a dementor." Lupin responded. Lyra's piercing silver gaze finally broke from the grounds asshe looked at him.

"Hello then. I'm Lyra Lily Black. And you are?" she said, holding out a hand, her silver eyes sparkling mischievously. Lupin laughed, but shook her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Black. I'm Remus John Lupin." Lyra smiled slightly,

"And you as well Mr. Lupin." she said formally. Lupin regarded her thoughtfully for a moment before saying,

"You know, you're much more like your father than I originally thought."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" asked Lyra unblinkingly.

"Neither I suppose. It just is." Lyra smiled, that was a good answer. 

"I suppose that's good to know." said Lyra, turning back to the grounds. 

"If it turns out he's innocent. Would you ever be able to forgive him?" Lupin asked quietly. Lyra sighed, staring across the grounds in thought. 

"I don't know. He left me. Left me for twelve years." She said finally. Lupin looked at her sadly,

"Had you met other children before you came to Hogwarts?" he asked. Lyra shook her head.

"No. Before Hogwarts I hadn't even left the house." 

"I'm sorry Lyra." Lupin said quietly. Lyra just smiled sadly.

"Don't be. You didn't do anything. Goodbye Professor." She said, standing up and brushing off her skirt and leaving the tower. 

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