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3rd POV

*kring kring kring*

The loud sound of the alarm clock causes Y/n to fall from the bed.

"Aww" She rubbed her back and tried to stand up. She then watch the alarm clock. It says it's 6:40 in the morning. She went to the bathroom and take a shower while listening to music.

After 10 minutes of getting ready she went downstairs and sit down to their dining room. The chandeliers are see through to their crystal-like table.

She sits to her original sit between her mom and her older sister. Y/n is not that close to her older sister because her sister doesn't accept her for she is an adopted child. Since the day her parents brought her in this mansion and announced that she'll be a part of the family, her older sister- Maya changed.

"Eomma when are you going to tell Y/n? tommorrow is the flight remember?" Maya said as she drink some water.

"Let's talk about it later- " her mom was interrupted when Maya started to talk.

"Why later when we can tell it now?" she then turn her head to Y/n and form a fake smile.

"Y/n-ah your going back to Korea tommorrow, is'nt it exciting?" - Maya.

"Oh? by myself?" Y/n asked her mother who can't make an eye contact to her.

"We decided to make you live on your own since you're already 19. But don't worry, we're going to support you financially. We already booked you a flight. We also choose a nice apartment for you so don't worry okay?" - her mom.

"Yes, Eomma. Thank you." Y/n showed a bitter smile and then finished her breakfast and went upstairs.

She still can't believe that she'll be living alone starting tommorrow. But she can't do anything now cause her parent's decision is a must. She get her luggage and started to arranged her things.

*knock knock*

"Please come in"- Y/n

"Y/n-ah" her mom entered the room and sits to a chair near Y/n.

"Oh Eomma? do you need something?" Y/n could'nt watch her mom 'cause maybe she'll tear up. She'll miss her so much.

"Y/n-ah stay healthy okay? I'll visit you there if I have time. Everything is already ready so don't worry." her mom said in a sad tone.

Y/n hug her mom tightly.

"I'll miss you so much" her mom then hug her back causing Y/n's tears to fall down.

"I'll miss you too, sweetie. Be happy there okay? Just call me any time you need money. Oh wait no, call me everytime." Y/n let out a smile and went back to packing, her mother then help her.

A glimpse of the sunrise awake Y/n from a good sleep.

She get ready and went downstairs. She wears a Purple hoodie with a shirt inside partnered with a black rip jean and a pair of sneakers. She also wear her black chanel bag with her phone, airpods, lipbalm and passport in it and her necklace with a cresent moon on it; her mom gave it to her.

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