Renji Yomo

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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

I feel like Yomo would just cuddle with you until round 2...or 3...
Or until yall fall asleep.

B = Body Part (His favourite body part of their partners)

Yomo's favorite body part on you is your butt, because he loves grabbing it. But he loves every other part of you, but mainly your boobs

Yomo's favorite body part on himself would probably be his chest. Its large asf. That's the explanation

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)

At first, he would cum on your stomach, but after a while, he would stop caring and cum inside you.

D = Dirty Secret

He doesn't have any.

E = Experience (How experienced are they?)

Before you, he never did it with anyone, but, the man knows what he is doing.

F = Favourite Position

Doesnt matter, as long as he can see your face as he fucks your brains out.

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in bed? Or are the humorous?)

100 percent serious. At all times.

H = Hair (Are they groomed down there? Does the carpet match the drapes?)

The same amount of hair on hair ... down there area, is the same amount of hair on his not that much.

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, are they romantic?)

Even if he's being aggressive, he's still affectionate.
He'll fuck you until you forget your own name, while making you feel extremely important.

J = Jack Off

No. Just. No. He doesn't jack off.

K = Kink

Hes ok with most things.
Key word MOST, like if you ask him if you could peg him, he'll look into your soul, and walk off.

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)

At first, your bed.

After a while, he'll consider other places.

M = Motivation (What turns him on? What gets him going?)

You wearing shorts,
You bending over,
When you...ahem...have...dreams about him, which is often.
Just you in general.

N = NO (Something they wouldn't do.)

Like I said. Pegging is a no go... :(

O = Oral (Do they like to give or receive? Are they skilled?)

He prefers giving. But, for him, receiving is ok.
I prefers giving you pleasure the will focus on himself.

P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)

At first, to prevent himself from breaking you, he will control himself from going rough/fast.

But AFTER THE FIRST TIME, 90% of the time, your legs wont work for the next hour.

Q = Quickie

He's not one for them, but if he needs to, then he needs to.

It is what it is.

R = Risk (Do they take risks? Are the willing to experiment?)

As long as your ok, with it, Yomo is okay with it 85% of the time, the other 15% of the time, he'll suck it up for your sake.

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)

The longest Yomo can go was up to 7 or more rounds before passing out, so yall can go hours on end before he's done with you.

T = Toy (Do they own toys?)

U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
Yomo loves to tease you. He lives for teasing you. Hes an unfair bastard but you love him.

V = Volume
He's not that loud, he'll occasionally groan in your ear, but that's about it.

W = Wild Card
The one thing he loves the most is you begging for him.

X = X-ray (What's going on down there?)
I mean, have you seen his body, I refuse to believe that Yomo isnt packing down there.

His member is not only long, but its thick, so the first time you saw it, you damn near passed out.

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

On a normal day, his sex drive is like, 50%, but if he's stressed out or pissed, when he gets home, expect his drive to be at 95%.

Z = Zzz (How quickly did they fall asleep?)

Like the gentleman he is, he will wait until you go to sleep, and then go to sleep after you.

I've had to republish this twice😑

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