"J-Jennie." I stutter without thinking.

Both of the EMTs look at me before looking at my sister. The heart monitor that's now attached to my sister's chest starts to slow down tremendously, it close to flatlining.

"We're losing her!" The woman shouts at the driver.

I squeeze my sister's hand hoping that it'll help. I look in the rearview mirror to look at the driver, but when I look in it the reflection doesn't match up with him. The guy now in the rearview mirror, driving the ambulance has peach-colored hair, red glowing eyes, and a smirk that'll kill any girl's heart. He also has a sharp jawline that can cut someone if they get too close. My heart starts to beat at a fast uneven pace, and it feels like everything around me has come to a complete stop.

"W-Who are you?" I stammer.

"That's the driver." The male EMT tells me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I glance at him before returning my gaze to the rearview mirror. The peach haired guy sitting in the driver seat that I saw in the mirror is now gone, the driver now sitting there once more. He glances up at the mirror, our eyes meeting, and he gives me a look, one asking if I've lost my mind. I shake it off and look at my dying sister.

My heart beats faster with each second that passes by, and within minutes we finally reach the hospital. As we pull up outside the doors I want to turn to the driver and cuss him out for driving too slow, but I know to keep my mouth shut. The female EMT flings the doors open and with the male's help, they pull my sister out of the ambulance.

Once she's out I hop out, grab a hold of my sister's hand again and rush inside with the EMTs. When we run inside, doctors and nurses swarm the stretcher that my sister is laying on. In the middle of the chaos, a nurse grabs my wrist and forces me to let go of Jennie's hand.

"No, let me go! I have to be with her!" I scream as they take her away from me.

"Calm down, we will take care of her." The nurse keeping me from running to my sister's side tells me. "What's your parents' phone number?" She inquires.

I hesitantly give her my parents' number.

"Thank you. Now go have a seat in the waiting room while I call your parents." She softly orders and leaves before I can protest.

I look to see where my sister has been taken, but she's disappeared. I fall to my knees, upset, and start to think of what's going to happen to my sister. Afterward, thoughts of what's going to happen to me when my parents find out starts to fly around in my mind like a swarm of honeybees.

"Why is life so cruel to me?" I whisper to nobody in particular.

I cover my face with my hands and I begin to cry like a little girl.

"Don't cry princess, let me take care of you."

I rapidly uncover my face and look around, finding nobody around me that could have said that. I brush it off and go deep into thought.

'It's like the world doesn't care about me, it's always turned its back on me. Not my sister though, she's always been there for me. She always stuck up for me in school. She also got into fights for me even though I got blamed for them by our parents. They're right about one thing that's for sure, everything that happens to me is my fault.'

As I go into my thoughts more, my mind goes back to a recent memory.


"Don't say that," Jennie tells me, helping me back to my feet, and wiping the blood away that stains my face. "They're just a bunch of bullies Peaches." She adds, calling me by my nickname.

I look at her, "Thanks unnie."

She smiles at me before looking at the boys that she just beat up for beating me up. "Now you fuckers leave before I really hurt you." She orders the tenth-grade boys, threatening them.

They rush off without another word and my lips curve downwards into a frown.

"Mommy and daddy are right, I'm a piece of trash," I whisper.

Jennie turns and glares at me. "Don't say that, it's not true. They're wrong, you're perfect Peaches."


Someone taps me on my shoulder, making me slightly flinch as I come back to reality. I look, my eyes landing on an old woman as she opens her mouth to speak.

"Awe sweetheart, get up off of the floor. Someone is going to bump into you and trip over you." She softly tells me.

I go to say something, but I'm unable to as I get sharp chest pains from crying so much.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Here, let me help you." She says, holding out her bony, fragile hand for me to take.

I hesitate for a short moment before grasping her hand and she helps me get to my feet. She walks into the waiting room and I walk by her side.

"So why are you here, child?" She questions, sitting down in the nearest vacant chair.

"M-My sister got hit-hit by a-a car." I blurt out, sitting in the vacant chair to her right.

"Wow, another, but a girl this time." The woman mumbles to herself.

I look at her, tilting my head to the side and my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask her, confusion lacing my voice.

She looks at me. "He's at it again, but usually it's guys, not girls." She starts. "Whatever you do, don't go to a crossroad, and don't listen to his callings. That's how he gets his victims." She finishes and quickly stands up.

She looks me up and down before mumbling something under her breath. Without another word, she turns on her heels and speed walks out of the hospital. Before I can think or react a new voice speaks.

"Miss. Kim."

I look up, seeing a man with a mullet, wearing round glasses, standing within feet of where I sit.

"I'm Dr. Kim, the doctor that is medically treating your sister."

I stand up ready to speak, but he speaks before I can. What he says next makes my blood run cold.

"Jennie may not make it through the night due to her injuries."

{Edited by @-1-800-3RACHA-}

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