9. Confession

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"Why aren't we letting Tendou into his own dorm again?" Shirabu asked, obviously amused by this entire situation. They all turned to Minami.

She was sitting down in the group of boys that had decided to hand out in Semi's room.

"W-well, I actually came to tell Semi-senpai something because he was the first person I thought to tell and I'm just really confused right now," she said, pulling her knees up to her chest. She started banging her head against her knees again, over and over.

"Well, what did you want to tell me?" Semi asked. 

"Oh well-um," Minami mumbled. "I KISSED TENDOU!"

She hid her head in her hands and braced herself.

"I'm sorry what!?!" Semi asked.

She heard Shirabu's laughter and Ohira continuously telling him that it's not funny, "Why are you even laughing?"

"She's such a drama queen," Shirabu said. "It was literally just one kiss."

"She's obviously not bothered by the kiss she's bothered by who she kissed," Taichi told him. "But I agree that it was just a kiss."

"Not if you read how author-chan described the kiss," Minami muttered, breaking the fourth wall.

"What did you say?" Ohira asked.

"Nothing," Minami said quickly, covering up her mistake.

"Did you have to kiss him?" Semi asked, rubbing his temples. 

"I didn't mean to, I just felt like I should've so I did," Minami said, hugging her knees. There was a knock at the dorm door and a, "Semi why the heck did you lock the door?"

"Go away Tendou!" Semi yelled. "I'm having a private conversation that you can't be apart of! Go bug Ushijima or something!"

"So mean Semi-Semi," Tendou mumbled before footsteps were heard.

"It's not like I don't like Tendou-san, I've had a crush on him ever since I found out he wasn't trying to kill me," Minami told them, looking to the ground.

"Look," Shirabu said. "I'm not one for lovey dovey stuff but, you said you like him.  And he wouldn't've kissed you if he didn't like you back. If that doesn't mean that you should get together I have no idea what does."

"Aw, someone's getting emotional," Taichi snickered.

"Shut up, I'm trying to give her advice. What are you doing? Bullying me," Shirabu snapped back.

"As much as I hate to say this," Semi said. "Shirabu's right."

"Wow," Shirabu said. "I'm feeling the love you guys."

"Hush and let me finish," Semi snapped. "If you like him, don't let him get away. This is really weird for me to say cause he's my friend, but I mean it. I'm probably going to regret saying this to you but, tell him you like him. Show your feelings."

"Really?" Minami asked.

"Semi's right, you should," Ohira told her. 

"O-okay," Minami said. "Thank you guys."

"No problem Minami-san," Semi said. "We're always here for you. The only thing you'll have to deal with is your brother."

Minami then gave everyone hugs, even Shirabu despite his protests. Afterwards she quietly made her way to her dorm room to sleep.


"Tendou-san," Minami said at practice the next day. "I need to steal you away for a moment."

My Guess Monster (TendouxOC)[COMPLETE]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara