Part 2

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I remember the first day we met; it was our senior year in high school. We met through my friend Alyssa, remember? She introduced me to you, knowing that the moment we laid eyes on each other sparks would fly. From that day on, we were in love. We spent every waking moment with eachother. We laughed, we cried. I knew you were the one. I knew it, I could feel it.

I was never the popular one, nor the smart one. But I knew what I wanted to do and that was fashion. I had my own fashion magazine. BOLD. It was successful from the beginning, and I was proud to say that it was mine. Anthony supported me all the way; he knew I could do it. He was a firefighter, took after his dad and his grandfather. He knew it was a dangerous job, but he wanted to do it, and I supported him just like he supported me. "Gloria, get Carol on the phone. Tell her we are going to move the meeting up to Tuesday at three." I said to my assistant, as she handed me a cup of coffee. She followed me down the hall trying to keep up with my fast pace. "Okay ma'am I'll get right on that. By the way, Francisco called asking about the models for today's photo shoot." She handed me a post it note with a number on it. "What's the problem?" I asked. "He says they're not what he asked for; he said they all need to lose about thirty pounds." Gloria said. "Get Francisco back on the phone. Tell him the models are fine, they're healthy and I'm not going to use any models that aren't healthy. I'm not going to promote anorexia and if he doesn't like it he can find someone else to work with." I said, Gloria turned around and headed back to her cubical. I gave her a smile as I turned into my office, closing the door behind me. I leaned back against the door for a second and took a deep breath. I choked back the lump in my throat and walked over to my desk and took a seat. "Okay, Chelsea keep it together. Be strong, that's what he would have wanted." I said to myself. I wasn't alright though, I was miserable in fact. How could anyone keep it together after losing their love? I had to hold it together for Charlie though. I took a deep breath and focused on my computer.

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