Chapter 2

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He was already dressed by the time he heard someone knocking on the door

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He was already dressed by the time he heard someone knocking on the door. It was like clockwork--Jade would come every day during lunch with something from the cafeteria for Riddle to eat while dropping off the homework. When he had been in the infirmary, the two of them had planned everything out to make sure things would go as smoothly as possible for the both of them. However, when the door opened, the smile he had held for Jade dropped immediately upon laying eyes on Floyd.

"Ah~ Goldfish!" He cooed, walking into the room uninvited.

"I've told you to stop calling me that." He said, crossing his arms over his chest as he furrowed his brow. "Where's Jade?"

Floyd tilted his head to the side. "Mmm~ I don't know." He beamed towards the boy on the bed, moving closer to it until he sat with one leg draped over the mattress. "But he sent me here instead." The blue haired boy set some papers between them on the bed and slid them across the blankets towards him. Somehow Riddle doubted that it was Jade's choice not to come. While the two of them weren't exactly friends, they at least had an amicable relationship as classmates. And the fact that it had slipped out of his mouth just yesterday that Jade had been bringing him homework was too much of a coincidence. Damn it. It seemed he only had himself to blame.

Blue eyes narrowed on the other as he moved to lay across the bed, eyes closed with his arms draped over Riddle's legs under the cover. The grin that was almost always present on his face sent shivers up his spine as the other kicked his legs. "Is that all?"

"Hm?" When he opened his eyes, the redhead could have sworn he felt the yellow eye baring into him, sending a shiver up his spine. "I can't leave yet~ Doesn't Jade spend most of lunch with you?"

The smaller of the two let out a sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. "We're not in the same class, Floyd." The twin sat up and grabbed one of the papers before moving on the bed to prop himself against the other set of pillows. Riddle's cheeks brightened as he felt the warmth of the other's shoulder brushing against his, trying to focus on the shoes that were resting on the covers. Rule violation. He kept trying to tell himself. Rule violation. Anything to keep his mind wandering.

"I know this." Floyd said, offering the paper towards the other. The smile on his lips grew as the prefect took it, unable to meet his gaze. "I can help~"

"Absolutely not."

"Why not?" The twin leaned in a little closer, sending Riddle's heart racing. He could feel the phantom sensation of the other's lips against his, an arm wrapped around Riddle's waist to keep him from squirming too much.

"I don't need your help." The voice that came out was little more than a whisper and blue eyes focused on the lips just a few inches away from him. He could feel the breath of the other on his skin and a part of him wanted to close the gap between them and another wanted to run away, leaving him stuck in the terrifying spot of not doing anything. However, when his stomach growled, Floyd tilted his head to the side and grinned.

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