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"Do you live here?" The man yelled at Lily, who flinches at his tone. She quickly shook her head.

"No, I'm looking for my dog. He's white, and about this small," Lily lied and gestured with her hand, "He ran away this morning. Have you seen him?" She asked with an innocent, sweet, smile on her lips.

The man in the car squinted his eyes and shoot her one last look- as if her eyes would show if she was lying or not, before he rolled up the window and the car started driving away.

Lily let out a sigh in relief before walking towards the house again. Suddenly she heard sobbing and voices from the chicken pen, and quickly turned around. Out of the chicken pen came her four friends. Kiara had tears down her cheeks and the others looked pretty shaken up too.

"I am so confused." Lily stated as she looked at the four with furrowed brows.

"Hi to you too." JJ said sarcastically as he pulled his sister into a hug. It wasn't that usual that the siblings didn't see each other for more than a couple of hours, so JJ was pretty worried for his sister when she suddenly had disappeared. Kiara had told them that she'd talked to Lily on the phone and that Lily had been visiting her best friend from elementary school, who finally had come back from the mainland. Surprisingly, the three boys had believed her.

"Why were you in the chicken pen? And why was there some creepy men yelling at me in a black van? They were kidnappers, weren't they? Why didn't they pick me then? Heart been broke so many times yeah yeah, don't know what to believe-"Lily ranted to her friends.

"We don't know who they were but they had a gun so we figured they didn't exactly come here for a tea party." Pope explained.

"Oh. Well do you maybe know what they were looking for?" Lily asked.

"We think that they were out for this," John spoke, picking up an old compass from his pocket, "It was my fathers and it was from the bag you found when you dived."

"It was your fathers? Big Johns?" Lily repeated and John B nodded. Lily tried her best to hide it, but a small spark of hope went through her body. Maybe, she thought.


The two girls giggled as Lily accidentally rolled off the brunette's bed and on to the floor. She peeked up from the ground, her blonde hair covering most of her face. Kiara laughed at the sigh and grabbed the second bottle of wine they had drank and passed it to her friend.

"Okay, seriously now, who is this guy you're getting it with?" Kiara giggled and looked at the blonde who took a long gulp of the wine.

"Oh yeah, that was Cameron. Cameron Rafe. Damn I sounded like James Bond!" Lily slurred, being a little to honest than she normally would. Kiaras eyes widened at her words.

"Rafe? Oh my fucking god! Your getting it with Rafe Cameron!" Kiara called out, being completely surprised by Lily's confession. She'd thought it would be some local pogue like the ones that she normally hooks up with at the keggers. Not the kook-prince.

"Mhm. That's him."

"But how- when? Tell me everything for god's sake." Kiara almost yelled at her best friend.

"No need to shout. No need to yell. No need to have a riot. Shut your eyes-" Lily started, quoting some tiktok meme she all of a sudden remembered in her drunken state.


"Yes, yes. Okay so we've met at work, he was hot as fuck. We kissed at the kegger, he was still hot as fuck. We had sex like three times. He was hot. as. fuck." Lily replied.

"You had sex with Rafe? Oh my god." Kiara gasped staring at her best friend. Lily took another sip of the wine, chuckling.

"Yes. He's really good, but don't tell him I said that, his ego is way too big as it is. He does this thing when he like choke-"

"Lily! that's enough thank you" Kiara exclaimed, hitting Lily's arm playfully. It wasn't like Kiara thought that Lily was all innocent, she knew way better than that, but she had a very innocent side of her personality that would never talk about sex that openly, sober. And she could also seem very innocent if she wanted to, which she'd often use in front of the guys or any adult.

"Shit, sorry!" Lily put her hands on her mouth, realizing she said that out loud.

"But like is your relationship anything more than lust?"

"Well, I fell asleep in his arms under the stars yesterday." Lily confessed, "And I hate to sound cheesy but I feel like he really gets me, you know?"

"That is so romantic! What if- what if he's your soulmate?" The brunette said as she gasped.

"You said the same about Jake after I kissed him last year, and well that didn't age very well." Lily said, remembering the moment when she had told her current crush that she liked him, and he told her he liked boys. They did become friends after though, and Jake is now Lily's only kook friend except Kiara.

"So what about you and Johnny boy?" Lily asked, wiggling her eyebrows, making Kiara roll her eyes.

"Nothing! We're just friends." Kiara told her friend who still looked unsure.

"I don't believe you."

"There is nothing going on between me and John B! Besides, we actually have a rule, no pogue on pogue macking, ever!" Kiara called out.

"As if John B care about that anymore. We made out like four times in seventh grade. Euw, can't believe I did that! He was like the worst kisser ever." Lily said, making a disgusted face.

"It doesn't matter anyways since I'm not into him." Kiara reassured.

"If you say so."

"Have you told JJ about Rafe yet?" The brunette asked her friend, grabbing the bottle from her as she decided Lily probably had enough. Lily raised her eyebrows, shooting Kiara a 'are you serious?' kind of look.

"Do I look like I want to die?"

"Sometimes." Kiara said and earned a slap.

"Kinda true. But I don't even know if Rafe and I are serious yet, we haven't talked about us. And I know for sure that that ugly as brother of mine won't take it any good." Lily sighed.

"Maybe you should talk to both of them?"

"No way."

"Okay but JJ is your brother, even if you like it or not, and he'll be hurt if you don't tell him what's going on in your life. I'm just saying, honesty lasts the longest." Her friend said calmly. It wasn't that Lily didn't know that lying would cause consequences, cause she did have a small consequence-thinking deep down. But she choose to avoid the problem by any circumstances, like she'd always do.

"You are low key right but I'm going with plan A, lying my ass off and reschedule my death day."

╚»★«╝ AUTHURS NOTE ╚»★«╝


it's my birthday tomorrow! finally turning fifteen lol and the weather is so nice.

i hope everyone's doing well, and if ur not, you can always text me! i'm not a therapist but i'm a pretty good listener.

// G <3

𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮, 𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒏Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang