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No one could of guessed what was to come. As soon as the first bomb hit I ran straight towards my families living quarters to make sure they were hidden and unharmed. They have no way of protecting themselves if they were found. With them safely hidden I ran out to the battle. 

We all had been fighting for what felt like ages and it was showing. We were loosing at a fast rate. I saw Mare running through the battle determined as ever. I worried for her but I know I shouldn't. She's strong and has faced worse. Also if I worry I let my guard down and I need to stay focused and fight. For me, for my family, for Farley. I also see Cal not far from me fighting with a new determination. Unlike the rest of us he is fighting to harm not to kill. The rest of don't want to but no war has been won without a little blood. 

There is a slight pause when the ring of fire erupts in the middle of the field. No one expected it but we all knew what it meant. The silvers used that moment of shock to take us down fully. They brought out some of there strongest greenies to capture the strong while the guards focused on capturing the weak and inexperienced. A small part of me was flattered to be considered one of the strong but that part of me quickly died. Now we all are silent and still. Waiting for the next move. Cal, Farley, and I are moved closer to the flame and more vines started to grow. They wrapped around our arms and legs but slowly started goin for the neck. I wasn't afraid. I've faced death enough to know it is nothing to fear but what makes me sick with fear is them hurting Farley. I look over at her and she looks back at me. We both have the same worry sketched in our eyes. She gives me a strong nod and that nod says so much. I look back at the ring and can finally see mare crouched on the ground and she's crying. No one can hear what they are say but as soon as it started it ended. Mare stood up and four guards surrounded her. When they moved to her sides she had on handcuffs and had paled significantly. We officially lost. Maven has what he wants. maven and his mother start walking to the ship that they arrived in. Cal is creaming at his brother. What he is saying doesn't register though. I am gone. My body has finally shut down. A scary thought occurs. What will I tell my family? They lost their daughter, their sister once again not knowing whether she will return or not. Mare walks by me and we make eye contact. She stands as tall as she can but I see the defeat in her eyes. She mouths 'I'm sorry' and I just stare back at her, not knowing what to do. Once they reach the plane we are released from our captures and watch as they all walk to there ships as well. No one moves, we all know there's no point.

Once they had left most of those left standing go to collected the dead or wounded. I stand there staring at what was once there. Farley comes up to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. We say nothing but she knows what I'm thinking. She intertwines our fingers and walk off to help who ever needs it. Cal sits on his knees in defeat. Fire is licking his finger tips. I not sure what he is feeling and I don't think we ever will. Everyone knows better than to go up to him right now. Cal will do what Cal does. He will pout and destroy everything in sight until he cools down and regains logic. 

Right now it is hard to have hope. It's even harder to know the fighting isn't over. The silvers still holds the crown and the reds under their shoe. Until that changes we will never be done. The war continues and we do to. But right now it seems meaningless. Farley squeezes my hand reassuring she is there and that little squeeze sends just an ounce of hope. We will win. I will get my sister back. We will be free. My family will no longer live in fear and pain. I will finally settle down and the only fight I need to worry about is keeping our children in line. Maven may have won the battle but the war is far from over!

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