The beginning of a new story

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3rd person POV:

"Nene chan, have you heard of the mysterious 8th mystery of the school? Yuki san of the school's entrance?" asked the purple haired girl also known as Aoi.

"Wait 8? I thought there were only seven?" asked Yashiro.

As Aoi was about to answer Yashiro's question, the bell rang signalling that its the end of school and cleaning time for Yashiro. 'I have to ask Hanako about this now' the radish girl thought.

Yashiro POV:

I have to ask Hanako about this as soon as possible. Just when was about to tell Aoi I'm leaving, i looked behind me only to find out that she's gone.....weird.....

Time skip to when Yashiro is with Hanako and Kou

"Hanako you didnt tell us there's an 8th mystery" asked Kou from beside me. "Right Yashiro senpai?" I just nodded my head in agreement. "I just didn't see the point in telling you and its not like she's famous or anything..... I haven't even met the girl" says Hanako with a sigh.....

To be honest i cant even tell whether he's lying or not cos hsecretive. "By the way Yashiro, who said you're free today? Get cleaning" Hanako said with a snicker...... If he wasn't already dead i would kill him myself. "Oh and Yashiro, boy, we can try to summon her when you're done."

As i picked up the mop Kou asked a very interesting question. "Oi Hanako, what's Yuki san's real name anyways.....i don't think its actually Yuki, right?" Hanako just shrugs. Well, best to start cleaning..

Y/n POV:

I'm on my way to see Tsuchigomori sensei since it's the end of the day and no one has summoned me yet. "Hello, L/n san" greeted some random student. I'm still surprised that people can see me even if I'm dead.

If they find out I'm a school mystery things could get ugly real fast. I know that Minamoto's family gets rid of spirits so I'm surprised he hasn't figured it out already.... In case you have no idea what I'm talking about,

My name is Y/n L/n and I'm the 8th school mystery of Kamome Academy. Mainly known as Yuki san of the school's entrance. I chose the name Yuki since i was killed in the snow at the entrance of my school. For some reason even those without a sixth sense can see and touch me.
Just like the other ghosts i can't leave the school and the only person who knows who i truly am is Tsuchigomori sensei (A/n: His name is too damn hard to spell😫).

Wanna know what my rumor is? "To summon Yuki san, you must say, 'Yuki san, can you feel the cold breeze today?' If you have good intentions, she shall grant you one wish but will take over your dreams and control you at will..... But if you have bad intentions, she will take her bow and arrow and shoot you in two places, the heart and head to prove that your heart and mind are as black a night."

Of course the evil people will have a slow and painful death.(A/n: I've been called a sadist multiple times)Pretty dumb right? You could say I'm pretty close to Minamoto senpai since I'm the student council secretary.

"Hi sensei" i greet the 5th wonder also known as my science teacher. Hello L/n, what brings you here?" Just when was about to answer, i hear a voice in my head saying, "Yuki san, can you feel the cold breeze today?" Before i even know what's going on, my body is moving on its own......

Looking at myself now i see I'm in my attire.....which is a f/c kimono with some f/c stockings and slippers. My face is covered with a f/c and white mask. So basically I'm in disguise.

A/n: Kinda like this but just change it to your favourite colour🤷‍♀️

And this is what your mask looks like but instead of black make it your f/c

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

And this is what your mask looks like but instead of black make it your f/c...... I see y'all BJ alex fans in the corner👀✋

I have my bow and arrow ready in my hand and now

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I have my bow and arrow ready in my hand and now......... Its showtime..... (A/n: cue me in the background doing jazz hands..... *smacks self* okay I'll go....*sulks in a corner while in emo mode like Bokuto*)

Only Time will tell (A hanako x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang