The Swear Jar

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William: "Ah shit where are those keys?"

Young Chloe: "That's a dollar for the swear jar!"

William: "You mean your college fund! Keys please."

(William stubbed his toe on the coffee table and shouted another word)

Young Chloe: "Another dollar for the swear jar!"

William: "You're bankrupting me!"

(Max had stolen the keys and ran off into the backyard when she ran into an older version of herself)

Older Max: "Don't do it, Max. There's no use. William has to die today. There's no stopping it."

Young Max: " do you know?"

Older Max: "..because I tried. Besides this isn't the hardest decision you're going to have to make. The big one is coming. Very soon. Be warned. This time..there won't be a happy ending."

(She faded away as the world crumbled around Max)

(She found herself witnessing several events, some she recognized but more that she didn't)

(Chloe and Rachel rawked out to Firewalk)

(In the girls bathroom at Blackwell)

Chloe: "Keep that gun away from me psycho!"

Max: "No!"

Rachel: "Chloe Price. Last night was amazing!"

(Max watched in awe as all of these images flashed before her eyes)

Max: "What is all this? An alternate timeline? How much have I changed?"

(Chloe and Max were in Chloe's bedroom)

Chloe: "Photo bomb!"

Max: "Photo hog!"

Chloe: "I dare you to kiss me."

Max: "What?"

Chloe: "I double dare you. Kiss me now."

Rachel: "What would it take to convince you?"

Chloe: "How about..?"

Rachel: "Oh..."

Rachel: "I swear to thee, we shall fly beyond this isle. The corners of the world, our mere prologue. What sayest thou to my most hopeful wish?"

Chloe: "...yes."

Chloe: "No matter what you choose..I know you'll make the right decision."

Max: "Chloe..I can't make this choice!"

Chloe: "No're the only one who can."

(And finally, the nightmare ended)

Life is Strange Chapter 3: Reality Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora