The Nightmare Begins

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(Once the Storm finally died down Max, Chloe and Rachel were standing in the middle of a completely leveled Arcadia Bay)

Max: "Everybody's gone now."

(Chloe looked over and saw her destroyed house in the distance)

Chloe: " Douche.."

Rachel: "I'm so sorry, Chloe. All our parents just..gone. And I never even really knew mine."

(They held each other comfortingly)

(Frank staggered up to them and pointed an accusing finger at Max)

Frank: "I was eating those beans. Are you fucking insane? I was eating. Those beans!"

(He tripped on his own droogs and fell)

(Max started laughing despite everything but then everything went white)

Max: " this?"

Jefferson: "Max! Would you please submit your entry for the Everyday Heroes contest?

Max: "Eat shit and die."

Jefferson: "Good answer. Good answer."

Kate Marsh: "Hey Max. Why so sad?"

Max: "'re that girl from my class. Kate right? Are you okay?"

Kate: "Better now that you're here. You saved me Max. You're my hero."

Max: "Hero? Well I..I don't know about that..well alright."

(Max found herself outside her dorm building where Victoria Chase waited on the steps)

Victoria: "Look who it is. Call me, Caulfield."

Max: "Wut?"

(Victoria leaned in and filled Max's mouth with her warm lips and tongue)

Victoria: "Mmm. Delicious. Seriously call me sometime. We can go smoke em peace pipe."

(She walked away and Max found herself in a daze, staring at Victoria's ass)

Max: "You ass! Don't look at that ass. I need to find Chloe's and Rachel's."

Chloe: "I can't believe Max went insane and wound up trapped in that insane asylum. I really thought we'd be together forever."

Rachel: "I'll always be here for you, Chloe. I know I'm no Max Caulfield but..we can still be Hella best friends forever."

(They held each other as Max was forced to watch them)

(Suddenly she was in the body of her younger self)

Max: "How much longer will this nightmare go on?"

William Price: "I hope the flash didn't scare you, Max."

(She looked at Chloe and her dad in their kitchen)

Max: "Oh no..William dies today.."

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