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Those stars in my eyes have combusted
Leaving me hallowed and black
Like the autumn leaves drifting in the wind
I know that my love will never come back

Rejection is like bitter medicine
Administered by the ones who are supposed to love you
I've tasted these chemicals long ago
And I'm sure you have tasted them too

Words are like venom
But they can also be like honey
And honey can be just as dangerous
As you slowly sing your sweet songs to me

There is so many emotions still whirling around inside
I was never the one who could heal
The pain had burrowed its way into my heart
Leaving me unable to cope with how it would feel

The scars of the past are still etched into my face
Corrupting my flesh with decomposed skin
And as the knife digs itself in deeper
There will always be your venom leaking within

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