eyes blue like the atlantic

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When Loki opened his eyes the next morning, half dressed in his sheets, he checked his phone.

Ayo good morning Kanye

An unidentified number and a strange message.

Good morning to you as well, but I am not this "Kanye". I am Loki, of Asgard.


He began to laugh, almost hysterically, for just a minute and then responded.

It's alright. You made my morning. How are you?

Good, good. Tired and hungover, lmao. You?
Hungover. Tired. Happy I met someone like you ;)

Amalei chuckled behind the screen and sent him a selfie.

Her once updone hair was a rats nest, the makeup washed away to reveal soft freckles, her eyeshadow smudged and her lipstick ruined.

You look like a queen, my lady.

She blushed heavily and giggled.

Perhaps this queen to be should get out of bed and come see you soon.

Sure. Asgard has a wonderful city, and nothing would please me more than walking with you.


As you wish.


Loki donned a far more casual, but still hot, attire. A green button up, a black jacket and matching pants, along with a gold chain for a touch of elegant simplicity. His hair was pulled back into a short ponytail-hit or miss with the ladies.

He waited outside the gates of the city, peering over the edge to the cloud below.

Amalei appeared at his side and he fumbled, practically falling off until she grabbed him and he fell back onto her.

They landed, him on her with his hands on either side of her head.

She was very, very pink.

He got off of her with a dark blush and stood up. "I am so sorry, my lady, forgive my clumsiness-"
"Please, my lord, it was my fault-"
Helping her off the ground, he pulled too hard and they slammed into each other, but this time they laughed.

"I think the Norns are telling us something."
Loki chuckled.

And they began their walk.

They found a nice little cafe next to a boutique. Through the day, he'd notice her grow slightly huffy when other women walked by.

"Are you alright?" He asked in the store, when she'd gasped at a dress.

"I didn't think you'd take me to a red light district is all."
"No woman in this district is by any means a lady of the night."

"Then why are they so...exposed?"
He looked over her high collared dress with long sleeves, the long skirt, the sweat pooling on her brow.

"I assume Vanaheim is much stricter about skin." Loki smiled devilishly.

"Of course. We're prudes to you." She sighed. "I know I should watch myself, but I'm a thousand two hundred and three next June. I was raised in that place."

"Not fond of your home?"
"No, not fond of my father." She looked up with glazed over eyes and shuddered. "Njord is a character and a half."

Loki chuckled. "I met the king once at a gala. He told me I looked like a gay slave."

She paled and began profusely apologizing.

"Please, there's no trouble." Loki waved a hand.
"Homosexuality is punishable by execution in Vanaheim." She said quietly.

He stopped sifting through the cashmere shirts and closed his eyes. "And what is your opinion?"
"On gay people? I think that rule is outdated and disgusting. Let people love who they do, no skin off my back."

"We'll get along well, my lady. How would this look on me?" He held up a black cashmere vest.

"That would make you look like a gay slave."

Loki laughed and put it back. "Point taken."

She found a delightfully blue dress that was a bit revealing but she smiled anyway. "I would love to be able to wear this."
"It's just you and me. I can keep a secret."

Amalei looked up at his face and felt wave of trust wash over her.

"I wasn't aware you could do that, Mischief God. Making someone trust you like that must be difficult."

Loki shrugged. "Apologies, your highness, I don't make a habit of using magic on dates, but you look frightened. Like I'm going to bite you or something."
Amalei sighed. "I know, I probably look like I'm gonna wet myself every time you move. I don't interract with men frequently, and I didn't know someone could look like you..."
"Like me? What, like a gay slave?"
She chuckled. "No, so beautiful."

Loki bit his lip and turned his head, not daring to allow himself to think of that. A woman like her, thought him beautiful.

"I'm flattered, your highness."
"Mm. Well, if it's just for you, maybe I'll try it on."
"I would be delighted." Loki smiled.

"I must say, the intricacy on these garbs is quite astounding." She looked over the hand sewn patterns and gasped. "Oh, this one."
She held up an ice blue gown with long dipping sleeves and a high lace collar. "I could feasibly wear this to Odin's feast."

"That is tonight, isn't it. I would be honored if you were my guest."
"I  would be delighted." She smiled back at him, shooting his previous sentence back at him.

Amalei walked back to the dressing rooms with the garment. "I hope my hair doesn't clash."
"My lady, your hair would improve any outfit."
She rolled her eyes at Loki's charm and stepped into the closet like changing room.

When she emerged he had to steady himself on a nearby rack.

The thin lace around her neck highlighted the dips and swallows of her  chiseled bone structure, the perfection of the hand sewn fabric making her ivory skin glow in radiance.

"My lady, I have never seen a woman make a dress look so utterly wonderful." He swallowed. "And that is a honest compliment, from the bottom of my soul."
Amalei cocked an eyebrow. "You flatter me, your highness."
"Please, call me Loki." He straightened and coughed into his hand. "It would be my pleasure."
She disappeared back into the dressing room and for a moment, the more primitive part of his brain imagining barging into the room to look, just peek at what her lovely tanned skin must look like under those garments...

He shook the thought away. That would be defilement, harassment, borderline rape, and he would sooner shoot himself. Besides, if he was smart, he could woo her into that without need for force.

"You seem lost in your thoughts, Loki of Asgard."
"You are a very quiet walker, Amalei of Vanaheim."

The pair shared a chuckle and he walked over to a deliciously soft ice blue tuxedo. "Should I? If you are my guest, I should match."
"Of course. Let me see, first, so my father does not assume a gay slave invited me-"
"Hush." Loki smiled and she laughed.

He emerged from the dressing room and she smiled. "I like it. Blue is a nice color on you."
Looking back, Loki always found it amusing and sad she loved blue on him so dearly. He wondered if she still felt the same now that it was his skin that turned the color of the ocean.

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