Turned On

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Me and tony had just gotten into the car after our talk at the park.

"are we gonna tell the others the truth" I asked Tony who had his hand on my thigh.

"what do you mean" tony asked looking at me then back at the road.

"that it was fake but now it's not" I said.

"i mean ye we can tell our friends but no one else" tony said smiling at me.

"okay" i said smiling.

"wanna go to my house or your house or what" tony asked squeezing my thigh.

"can we go to your house" I said.

"sure" tony said smiling.

Once we arrived at tonys House we said hi to ondreaz then went into tonys room.

As we walked in Tony shut the door behind us.

"im so glad I can do this now" tony said smiling at me while I sat on the bed.

Tony walked over to me.

"do wh-" i got cut off by tony kissing me passionately.

I kissed back but it was weird kissing someone and all that stuff because I've never done it before I'm sure I'll get used to it but it just feels weird.

Tony pulled away and looked at me confused face.

" whats wrong princess" tony said frowning.

"it just feels weird" I said to him.

"what does" tony said looking at me.

"like kissing you and all that stuff I've never done it before it just feels weird but right at the same time because I want it to be you" I said trying to explain how I feel.

"do you want me to stop kissing you I can if you want it's not a problem" tony asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"no no I wanna kiss you it just feels different you know" I said kinda smiling at him while grabbing his thigh.

"youll get used to it and I'm glad I'm your first and last kiss" tony said smiling at me.

"what do you mean my first and last"i said confused.

" well I was your first kiss and ill be your last too because we are gonna be together forever"tony said smiling.

I didn't say anything back just smiled and moved my hand up his thigh a bit and squezzed it.

" woah careful with your hand there princess" tony said moving my hand down a bit.

"why" I said moving my hand back.

"if you wake up my buddy down there there's gonna be bigger problems" tony said pointing to his dick.

"why is there gonna be problems" I said smirking cause I know exactly what I'm doing.

"i just might now be able to control myself" tony said laughing.

"you know for someone how has never had a boyfriend before you really know how to turn someone on" tony said laughing.

"oh I turn you on do I" I said smirking squezzing his thigh again.

"fuck. Ye you turn me on obviously" tony said groaning.

"okay ill stop now" I said laughing moving my hand away.

"no don't stop. Actually ye stop. Wait I don't know" tony said laughing.

"what" I said laughing confused.

"well I want you to stop cause your turning me on but then I don't want you to stop because if feels good" tony said laughing.

"haha well I'm gonna stop before things escalate I'm not ready to have sex yet" I said looking down.

"its okay not to be ready I don't care baby" tony said lifting my chin up.

"awe your so cute" I said kissing his cheek.

Tony then pouted and pointed to his lips. Damn he's dramatic.

I giggled and kissed his lips.

"yay" tony said happy.

"you act like a 2 year old" I said laughing.

"maybe I am" tony said laughing.

Tony then stripped into his boxers and jumped into his bed.

"damn" I said.

"what" tony said laughing.

"you look hot as fuck" I said laughing.

Tony started laughing too.

"what am I gonna wear" I whined.

"just wear my t-shirt and panties" tony said smiling.

"okay" i said.

"i promise I wont try nothing" tony said putting his hands up in defense.

"okay" i said smiling.

I went into his bathroom and put in his t-shirt and took off my jeans.

This might sound weird but I lovw the smell of tonys clothes. Or just Tony on general.

I walked out the bathroom.

"damn" tony said looking me up and down.

"hey watch your eyes you said you wouldn't try anything" I said.

"and I stand by my words" tony said smiling.

I jumped into bed with him and Tony pulled me onto his chest.

I looked up at him and started playing with his hair.

"damn even doing that turns me on" tony said laughing.

"oh okay ill stop" I said laughing pulling my hand away.

"no don't it's fine" tony said smiling.

I put my hand back into his hair.

"what doesn't turn you on" I asked laughing.

"nothing. Everything you do turns me on" tony said laughing.

"noted" I laughed.

Soon me and Tony fell asleep.

A/n I hope you like this chapter thank you so much for #35 in tonylopez and for over 6k reads its crazy thank you so much.

Words: 885

Fake But Felt So Real //Tony LopezWhere stories live. Discover now