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A man brutally injured all over his body and face with dark red blood flowing all around was attacking a person and two children with an axe is a strange dream that often comes to Mr.Das mind when he sees the night-flowering jasmine tree around him which blooms its flower in the month of October.

Mr.Manan das is a wealthy and well-known man with a beautiful wife and two children. He is also known to some people as the son of Mr.Bhaskor das who was a great scientist of his time.

Authorities have sent a warrant to Mr.das to renovate his house where he used to live there when he was small with his father or soon it will be demolished. Mr.das father passed away in a plane crash when he was only 8 years old. He does not have many memories of his father but that house is the only souvenir that Mr.das can keep. It was the house where he used to live and play in the garden where stood a beautiful night jasmine tree. He moved out of the house after his father's untimely death.

It's been a month since the work of renovation started. Today is the first day of Navratri and since holidays have begun Mr.das has come to visit the house with his two children early in the morning to see the work condition. The house is almost done it just needs some more repairing and it will be ready.
The wind of October is slight cold and the weather is nice today. After observing the housework Mr.das came out in the garden to take some rest.

He can now recall some of his childhood memories. He can see his younger self playing and running cheerfully. As he was recalling his eyes got to a small flower falling from the tree on the ground. The Big night-flowering jasmine tree and the scent of its flowers were all around. This was the tree where Mr.das used to play and collect flowers early in the morning to make a garland for his dead mother every day. Surely, this is an emotional and tough moment for him as he lost both of his parents at a very young age. He sat down under the tree and the small flowers are laid all around the ground. Suddenly a flash dream of a man brutally injured attacking a man and two children with an axe flashed into his mind. Mr.das was horrified and started sweating despite the cold wind. He realised how this dream often came to his mind whenever he was around this type of tree when he was younger.
As he was thinking of all this Mr.das children Onima and Joy came and asked if they could see the house from the inside. Mr.das allowed them to go inside and started speculating about the strange thing again.

Onima is a 16yr-old intelligent girl with a beautiful smile and Joy is an 18yr-old athletic boy. They are really impressed by the house style. It's a big old house with large rooms and things of old-style with big furniture. After checking all the rooms they came into the main hall where there was a fireplace and few chandeliers hanging. They were tired so they sat on the sofa to rest. The fireplace caught the eye of Onima. She got up to see it closely and then discovered a golden shiny handle hiding there she pulled it and suddenly a secret door opened next to the fireplace. They both were really shocked to see that."What did you just do Onima?" Asked Joy. "I don't know I just pulled this shiny handle and boom it opened". Should we tell baba(father) about this? Asked Onima. Joy was curious and wanted to go inside. He said," Let's go first and check what's inside I have seen in movies there's a treasure inside secret doors." Onima thought for a while and agreed to go with him. They took a torch and went inside and after a few minutes of walking in a long hallway, they reached a small room. The room looked very old and small with one bed and a big table with thousands of papers placed on it and some stationeries with a chair was all they could find in that room." Huh! That's no fun I thought of something interesting but it's just an old room I thought we were going to discover some treasures or at least something interesting like in the movies." said Joy. Onima playfully said, "Guess movies doesn't come out true in real life." They both laughed and left the place.

Mr.das called both of them to have lunch. " Baba we discovered a secret door which leads to a small room in the main hall next to the fireplace do you know about it"Mr.das had no idea about what they were talking about." I am afraid I don't have any idea about the secret door," Mr.das replied. He told both of them to show that secret room. Joy and Onima agreed to show the secret door after lunch.

"This is the secret door baba," said Onima. Mr.das unlocked the door and he was very shocked because he didn't remember this door. They all got inside and reached the small room. Onima and Joy started to talk with each other about the beautiful chandeliers of the house but for Mr.das it's a whole different familiarity. He can recall his father working in this room carrying out different experiments and his father smiling face. All the flashes of memories are making Mr.das weak and emotional. "Baba! Do you remember this room".shouted Onima. Mr.das didn't reply to her because he was lost in flashes of the memories.

Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, a man brutally injured came running towards three of them entering from the door and started attacking. "You are all going to die this will never end I will kill you all again and again. This is an infinite loop I am here from many years I know everything.", said the man with his horrifying voice and blood flowing all around. Mr.das was in a state of shock because his strange dream was happening right in front of him. He started to fight and protect his children. Onima and Joy also helped their father and Mr.das shouted, "Go away from here I will come later just go from here Save yourself". They both were really scared and they also wanted to help their father but they had no other option they had to go from there.

They both went out of there and Mr.das got a deep long cut in his arms from the axe but somehow he managed to get hold of the axe. He killed that man and at this moment Mr.das felt very weak he had no strength left and the deep long cut on his arm was dripping fastly with blood. Suddenly, the dead body of the man disappeared. Yet another shock for Mr.das. He saw a diary started to shine on the table he opened it and found EXPERIMENT-912 INFINITE LOOP written there and took the diary in his hands and got outside of the room as fast as he can and closed the door got out of the house. His blood was dripping all the way and in the garden, he found Onima and Joy and hugged both of them tightly. In this moment of reunion, the wind was a slight cold and another flower from the tree fell down on the floor.

Today is the last day of Navaratri people are immersing gods and Goddess in the rivers. Mr.das was busy in Navaratri searching out the reason and truth behind what happened. He finally knows the truth and reason. Mr.das know how he freed a soul in this Navaratri. The injured man was no one other but his father who got stuck in his own infinite loop which he made years ago and how his organisation people found it out and wanted to have the formula of the infinite loop but Mr.Bhaskor knew they were going to use this formula in a bad idea which will ruin thousands of people lives which Mr.das would have never wanted. One day 6 people of the organisation came into the house of Mr.das and attacked him brutally and but somehow he ran away from them to keep his formula in a secret place where he laid out his experiment and got stuck in his own loop forever until now. The month of October was always the time when Mr.das showed up into that room every year because he disappeared in the month of October. Everybody was told that he died in plane crash but it wasn't true.

While It's still a mystery for Mr.Manan about the real dream still it's one of most powerful Navaratri of his life.

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