Kurogiri walked up to the Detective and the two heroes. "What seems to be the problem, detective?"

"Your DNA charts have... history."

He remembered the flashes of memories he had. "What is it?"

Eraserhead looked at him with tired eyes with a more somber tone to them.


Kurogiri's mind flashed a memory of white clouds before he realized something....

...he didn't think he had enough time to have dinner with Inko.


Jin got a part-time job at a small bookstore run by a sweet old lady. She was so sweet to him and Himiko that she gave them a place to stay on the second floor upstairs. Izuku introduced them directly to the sweet woman who was happy to help them out.

Himiko was offered a job by Recovery Girl to become her little nurse helper while she helped heal people. The old woman was happy to help her learn more about crocheting too since she loved to knit.

So the sweet old woman became like a grandmother to Jin and Himiko.


Touya started on an online degree to work with pyrotechnics. It would take him a while though to finally get a license for it. But while he was working for it, he was starting an apprenticeship with a man that ran a tattoo and piercing shop. It would take a while for him to finally become an official artist, but for now, he was learning about cleaning the equipment correctly.

He began to communicate better with his family, especially since they offered him a place to stay in a new family house. And he...

"Touya, I want some chicken nugget." Takami groaned as he laid down on Touya's lap.
"Gimme chicken."

... even started to officially date Keigo Takami.

Touya listened to his boyfriend whine until he flicked his forehead, causing Keigo to groan dramatically. He laughed before engaging in a weak slappy hand fight with his boyfriend.


"Shimura! We got a wall with your name on it!" A man called over to his pale-haired employee.

"On the way, Mr. Uraraka!" Tenko called back.

Uravity pulled a few strings to get him hired at her parents' company. She even pulled a string to let him use his quirk when dealing with a huge destruction job, she even provided him with special gloves that she uses that covered up to three of his fingers.

He worked extra hard to help out around the place without knowing that much about constructing an actual building. Even though he was inexperienced with certain things, Mrs. Uraraka really helped him out with it.

Near the end of his work shift, he saw two figures at the entrance waiting for someone. Curious, he stepped forward to see it was actually two retired heroes. Gran Torino in a wheelchair with All Might standing next to him.

"Hello, young Shimura. can we speak to you?" All Might asked gently while Tenko hesitated at seeing him. He was almost tempted to scratch his neck before breathing out.

"Sure, old man."


As for Izuku, well he had his work cut out for him.

With the recent success of the program, he elected to take a small break to make sure everyone was fitting in nicely before going to continue his work. It wasn't until near the end of the month he got more news.

Izuku is a Therapist for VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now