It Takes everything for me to say three little words to you

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In my life I could do whatever I wanted. Have any girl I pleased. I had no problem with this. Until she left. She put me down into a downward spiral for months which I could not have got out of. There where times where it all became too much for me and I didn't know what to do. You are probably wondering who I am. I am Jimmy. The Jimmy Sullivan that plays the drums for Avenged Sevenfold. 

Her name was Lisa. She stole my heart,  She did.  Believe me when I say this, this girl was beautiful. We where together for years. Then one day she was gone. She left me. 

We met in Huntington High school. Well not exactly, that was the first time I saw her. I saw her in the principles office. She walked in that day Looking for her schedule. My breath was taken out of me, There was no one who could compare to her, I swear she was so damn beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off her. 

She had a tattoo on the back of her neck, which was a skull. It looked different from all the other''s I seen, maybe because she had it. It was vibrant and colorful. I've never seen anything like it before,. 

"Can I help you miss" came Mrs. Webb's voice  from behind the desk. 

"Lisa Myers, I've been transferred to here" 

"Ah, yes, alright. Here's your schedule for the year. If you have any trouble finding anything come back or ask around. Good luck" Said Mrs. webb

She turned to leave and i caught a glimpse of her, She was truly beautiful. Pure as while silk skin, Crimson red lips. She appeared not to much wear any make up. which, to me was the way girls should be, showing off their natural beauty, not using fake shit. She had perfectly shaped eyebrows. Her hair was Blond and pulled back into a messy bun which looked perfect. it looked like she styled it some how. She had a a perfect build. Not too big and not skinny like some anorexic chicks. 

She seemed so simple and elegant. I had no idea how she got here but whatever the reason I knew eventually I had to have her.

I found myself not paying any attention to Brian nor Mr. Fin  when he called us into the office, we where called down earlier because we skipped class. She was on my mind.

I wanted to try and find her, to see if she was my type. And by the looks of it, she was. And the tattoo, an added bonus. I walked out of the office with Mrs. Webb behind me yelling for me to come back or i'll get suspended, LIke that's never happened before. 

I roamed around the high school, Knowing every inch of the place. I managed to torment some kids while walking around. But I couldn't get her face out of my head, she was like a greek goddess but even better. I walked around for a while longer, Then I found her, walking down one of the hallways going to her class. Her tattoo visible made me smile.

The bell rung and I made my way to english class. I chuckled and sat down, She sat in one of the desk's in the back of the classroom. How lucky was I.

I found myself Looking at her for a while. "Class, we have a new student joining us today" Said mr. Halem, "Everyone say hello to Lisa" They all turned around to look at her. She smiled. I continued to look at her for a while. 

Mr. Halem went on about some book that we have been reading for some time now, I don't know much about it, because I haven't read the book. "Lisa, any thought's on Hamlet" Mr. Halem asked,  She straightened up from her  position with her fist on her cheek to upright. 

I saw matt look at me like I was and idiot. I could tell he thought I was crazy for liking Lisa. I guess it was obvious. When Lisa finished speaking,  Mr, Halem turned to me "Mr. Sullivan,I think  you could learn something from our new student, don't you think, She just came into the class and gave an excellent answer of what I was looking for in the question. Perhaps read Hamlet hum?" He said,  

I chuckled again, Knowing he was right, Well maybe. But i didn't care. I was her look at me. it was memorizing, She was memorizing. Once the bell rung I sprung up to get out of class to avoid mr. Halem's on how I should do better and all. I'm getting by. I don't know how i am, but I am.

Matt stopped me in the hall a moment later. "Have you lost your mind Sully"? he asked. "She's out of you're league. Big time Bro."  I laughed. "You're so wrong man, i'll date her" He seemed taken back by my comment, I don't know how i'll date her. I can't even talk to  her. Maybe Matt was right

The rest of the day passed by quickly. Lisa is only in two of my classes. English and Lunch. According to Matt and Brian, Lisa in in Chemistry with Brian and Trigonometry with matt. They say she's really smart. 

I still say to this day I don't know how I got someone like Lisa. I'll never know the answer, All i know is that I believe we where meant to be, But I lost her. 

It Takes everything for me to say three little words to youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin