You and Me pt. 1

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this is an Aru x Aiden fanfic!

there was a halloween dance in the otherworld today, and  Aru was very excited, she talked about the dance with Mini and Brynne.

Aru's POV: I am so excited for today, cause it's the otherworld halloween dance! I should probably should know it won't be like the disney movies, but I wish  it would be that magical. 


it was a text message from mini

(them texting)

Mini: aru did you pick out a dress?

Aru: yeah

Aru: did you

Mini: yes

Brynne: stahp

Aru: wut

Brynne: blowing up my phone dumbass

Mini: brynne, be nice

Brynne: no

Aru: so brynne, hows life

Brynne: life's a pain in the ass like always.


Brynne: *scarcastically* sorry mom

Mini: brynne, you think of me as a motherly person?

Brynne: um...


Brynne:  so mini, hows life

Aru: Brynne, ur avoiding mini's question.

Brynne:  no i'm not

Aru: yeah you are.

Brynne: like you're one to talk

Brynne: you've avoided your feelings for aiden for years


Brynne: in what universe?

Mini thats enough children.

Mini: but she's right.


Brynne: i rest my case

Mini: should i add aiden?

Brynne: nah

Aru: pls don't

Mini: whyyy

Aru: he'll see all of our rants

Mini: ill add the twins tho

Aru: the twins have phones?

Nikita: yeah we do

Sheela: yup, the council of guardians gave us phones so they could contact us if they need to

Aru: cool

Nikita: so you finally admit aru

Aru: ???

Nikita: about your crush on.... AIDEN

Brynne: OoOoO

Aru: guys.... 

Nikita: OoOoO

Aru: ...

Sheela: OoOoO

Aru: stahp

Mini: please stop children.

Sheela: okay

"ring" it was a call from aiden, my heart was beating fast

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