Love Shot (songfic)

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This is from @onedirectionfam4life  old oc's point of view bold is lyrics! and italics are thoughts! (the lyrics are in english instead of korean)

(Ava Pov)

It's always been her. She mesmerizes you, while i look out of place, like a bride at a funeral. This became more clear to me than ever, when I saw you kiss her, I felt like crying, like throwing a fit, most of all I  felt heart broken, Nowadays it seems like a distasteful memory, bitter as a tangerine, today that would change. Kara told me that Sheela appeared in her dreams, Saying  to Aiden, that the girl who you love will be the death of you, she had felt love for him as well, but Aiden broke her heart too. 

It's getting twisted, love and hate

Our beautiful memories

Are dyed in white

Fading bit by bit

I consoled her by saying " Today is the day when he feels our pain" the feeling of disbelief, of heartbreak, of grief. He never understood our pain, no matter how many times he apologizes it won't change a thing.  Its time to pay Shah's  "wifey" a visit. I walked to his house with Kara behind me The Sleeper beside me. It was time to take him down.  I knocked on his door, He opened it with surprise 

They get deeper each day, calm down

The wounds made of words

And my heart burnt black, where is love?

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

"Ava!?!" He said in shock

"Miss me?" I asked

After he saw the sleeper he took out his scimitars, and stood in a defensive position, ready to attack if we provoked him, The sleeper took away his weapons in a second.

"Why are you with him?" He practically screamed "This isn't the Ava, i know and i want to know why."

"The Ava you knew is gone. Forever." I stated

He looked at me and Kara in shock, as the girls he had once loved he never expected this from us. Perfect.

"All i want to know is why?" he asked me and Kara

"I'll be asking the questions here" Kara said and then looked at her father, "Do It."

The sleeper threw Aiden and pinned him against it with his dark purple coils,  and then Kara drew sunny out, Then aru and her stupid squad bursted in, what a nuisance. 

Even if I cover my eyes and ears

And force myself to wander, in the end the answer is love

I fill my stomach, starved by too much ego

An empty glass of compassion left behind

Now I fill it again, let me hear it all

"Aiden!" Aru screamed, then looked at me  "I told you to stay away from him!" 

"Before I was weak and I listened to whatever you said, and now i can fight too" I said while dodging attacks from Brynne, Aru, and Nikita. and then I took away part of their energy, this is what my weapon Bandit, can do against anyone, especially unsuspecting heroines. Suddenly Mini fell to the ground tired, then the twins, until there was only one. Brynne.


"ugh.." The tired, weak heroines, said " I can't get up, its like i'm paralyzed" 

 "You." Brynne spat, facing me "You did this"

She fell to the ground barely being able to move, Kara pinned her to the ground.

"Get it done, father" Kara asked

"No, allow me" I said, then i faced towards Aiden "have any last words?"

"I have two actually, Bring. It." he said, while picking up his swords

He parried my katana, for a few minutes, then his energy began to deplete little by little, the he fell, and the i pointed my sword to his stomach and gave a glare to The Sleeper to finish the job.

People come and people go

You and I standing still in this world

Slowly growing used

To our dulled feelings

"Say goodbye, incompetent heroines."

(Aiden Pov)

Then the sleeper's dark purple coils took my  neck, and started to choke me 

I looked at my friends one by one they were suffering 

I yelled " i'll be fine you need to go get Urvashi and Hanuman"

Aru said " But aiden-"

"GO!" I yelled

She ran with everyone else, then the room started to get dark, little by little..

My heart burns

My beliefs dried

Feeling like they'll break apart

I wet them with you, filling in the gaps

Lighting the flame in my heart

That felt ready to go out

(Ava Pov)

He was finally gone. I took Kara's hand and walked away, the sleeper walked behind us, as we walked away a strange sense of joy filled me, Maybe i wasn't meant to be Aiden's, but now i know that i'm capable of killing someone, and i need a place to hide so what's the harm, i think i'll stay with kara and the sleeper and ruin the world with them.

It's the love shot!

(Epilogue, AKA Aru POV)

Tears streamed down my face, when i let the love of my life die, i swear i will avenge him someday, just not today, I couldn't today. I can't today. I won't today. Why? because Today is canceled. Malini blamed me for his death and to this day she can't face me, says i'm a disappointment to the otherworld, and the past pandavas, Urvashi cries whenever she sees a camera because it reminds her of her dead nephew. The otherworld is out of order, but not for long because things will change, for the better or for the worst that's the god's choice whether they support us or not, everything will change

It's the love shot!

Na nanana nananana

Na nanana nanana

Na nanana nananana

Oh oh oh oh oh

It's the love shot!


1049 words in total, i think this is my longest oneshot yet! i have no hate for the pandavas, i was just writing this form ava's pov, and she hates them to pieces. and if you have anthing you would like to request, please put a comment below!

Should i make a part two of this, with an epic duel between aru, ava and kara?

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