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Joe's family had a fun time in New York taking all the sites they could visit, museums, sunset cruise around the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and the Brooklyn Bridge., watch a show on Broadway, shopping along 5th avenue, attending a Concert in the Park,  visiting the Top of the Rock and the Empire State Building , the 911 memorial,  and partaking in delicious and exotic foods around NYC. They walked across the Brooklyn bridge, went to the iconic Lady Liberty, tried the Whispering Arch of Grand Central station which Lucy really loved. Another place she liked is walking the Glass Waterfall Tunnel at the McGraw-Hill Building. They were even able to touch a part of the Berlin Wall. They spotted a few Tiny Little Doors dotted all across NYC. They really had a lot of fun with Taylor and Joe acting as tourist guides. Lucy's most favorite time was when Taylor took her shopping at The American Girl store. She was mesmerized and overwhelmed by the volume of dolls in the store. She was running up and down the store aisle checking out dolls and shrieked with excitement when Taylor told her to pick one doll and the clothes and accessories that she wants. She picked Courtney  the 80's doll with curly blond hair and blue eyes just like her. She was so happy with her choice that she even slept with it at night.  Joe was so glad that she has quickly warmed up to Taylor.

Taylor's parents were aware that the Alwyn's are in town and would like to meet them.  "Mom and dad I want you to meet Joe's family, could you host a dinner party for them?"

"I could do better, we will invite them to the beach house in the Hamptons so they could relax, enjoy the sun and the fresh air. Since you are on vacation, your dad could stay away from the office for a couple of days  and we will have extra days to spend there." Andrea loves to host parties and was giddy with excitement preparing for their visitors.

The Alwyn's  were delighted when Taylor invited them to meet her family and stay in their beach house. It took them almost 2 hours to get there.

" This is a beach house? It looks like a mansion! Taylor do you live here? Are you rich? Wow this is beautiful" Lucy could not hide her excitement seeing the house.

Taylor humbly replied "My parents own this, we come here once in a while , mostly during summer.  Come on guys and meet my family".

Andrea, Scott and Austin were standing by the stately door awaiting their guests. Taylor kissed and hugged them all and introduced them to each other. Warm hugs and firm handshakes were exchanged and a big hug and kiss for Joe. Elizabeth and Richard noted how they greeted Joe and felt like he is already a part of Taylor's family.

The beach house in East Hampton looked elegant and classy adorned with upscale furniture  and stylish adornments. All this opulence did not escape the Alwyn's eyes yet Taylor and her family are down to earth and humble in their ways.

Andrea led them all to their respected rooms and Lucy has a room to herself. " this used to be Taylor's room when she was little. Now it's yours to use. I hope you like it".

"OMG, I never had a room as beautiful as this." Lucy exclaimed while clapping her hands. I love it here".

After they have freshened up they all went to the patio overlooking a big pool with floaties. Andrea prepared lots of food including hot dogs, burgers, barbecue, grilled vegies and fries. Non alcoholic drinks were served. After the filling lunch, they decided to go swimming choosing floaties of their liking. Taylor and Joe shared a  giant unicorn, Lucy picked a baby pink swan  and the rest had foldable hammocks to rest on.  Both set of parents saw the loving looks and gentle kisses that the couple were doing until Austin yelled " get a room" causing everyone to laughed and Taylor turned red from embarrassment. 

Andrea, Scott, Elizabeth and Richard were talking about life, their children, and the future generation of their family. 

"We really like Joe, he is such a sweetheart, a real gentlemen and he loves our daughter so much. We're hoping that this relationship will have  a happy ending for them. We've never seen Taylor this happy and in love."

" We have seen a lot of change in Joe," Richard  replied. " He used to have no direction in life. He worked so hard but also played hard. No serious relationship, no commitments all he did was to have fun. We used to think that he will end up all alone or marry for convenience or companionship. We're so glad they met and are so in love"

Elizabeth told them how happy Joe was when he and Taylor became friends then lovers.  "He always told me that no matter how exhausted he is after filming , just the sight of Taylor makes his day. He showed me an engagement  ring that he helped design. I hope a proposal is coming up" she said with a big smile on her face. The moms looked excited while the dads exchanged high fives. 

Andrea and Elizabeth prepared dinner made up braised short ribs, roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and chocolate chip cookies baked by Taylor with Joe and Lucy as her assistants and as usual Taylor and Joe had a flour fight to the delight of Lucy who looked like a white ghost when it was over.

Every body loved the food and complimented the cooks and the bakers. After dinner they played monopoly Joe was  proclaimed as the clear winner. 

Taylor and Joe were the last one to turn in after clearing up the game board. Joe carried Taylor bridal style into their room and started kissing as soon as the door was closed. They had a heated make out session moaning and panting as they kept on with their adult activity. " Joe we have to stop, our families are all here and they might hear us." " we will keep it quiet" he whispered. " this is a big house they won't know. Let's take a shower, the water noise will diminish our sound". They both hurried to the bathroom taking their clothes off on the way there while giggling with glee. Things got heated, they kissed and tasted each other while hands roamed allover their bodies. Joe lifted Taylor's legs pushed her  against the wall, inserted himself into her until they both came at the same time. They didn't realize how loud they were, people still awake near their room heard everything.

The next day they were the last persons to come down for breakfast. Some of them looked sheepishly at them smirking and making weird noises. The couple knew they were caught and turned their backs from everybody red faced and embarrassed." hey Joe you need to feed yourself you burned a lot of calories last night" yelled Tom. "Tay you need to drink milk for energy" Austin ribbed his sister. This made everybody laugh out loud. Andrea tried to cover Lucy's ears not understanding what's going on. 

After the hearty breakfast they all decided to walk in the village and checked out local boutiques and shops. They strolled down the beach but avoided the heavily populated areas because of Joe. They had lunch at the The Chowder House and enjoyed fresh seafood cooked to perfection. The ladies bought fresh flowers and fruits from the farmers' market and the guys found a wine shop and ordered bottles of wine.

When dinner was over, the young ones except Lucy decided to check out the local hang out joints. They went bar hopping tasting locally made wines and brews. Taylor and Joe couldn't resist dancing when they heard music,  they were holding each other tightly swaying and enjoyed being in each others arms hoping people would not recognize Joe and ignoring  people staring at them. The rest of the group were mingling with the other guests.

On the third day , Joe approached Andrea and Scott and formally asked permission for Taylor's hand in marriage. Scott and Andrea were so happy when they heard Joe's intention. He showed them the ring that he helped design and informed them that he was going to propose that day. Joe's parents were already aware of this and the moms agreed to cook something special for the occasion.

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