Chapter 3

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Jahseh pov. . .

"Fuck fuck fuckk" I whined trying to move out the cuffs. A fustrated groan left my mouth.

 'looks like I have to twist my wrist' damn this psychopath. I closed my eyes gritting my teeth. Slowly then fast I twisted my wrist pulling it out the cuff.

A pained whimper left my mouth blood trickled down my mouth I bit my cheek hard to.

"finally"I breathed out getting off the cold concrete floor I rubbed my wrists walking out of the room bumping into something "leaving already baby" ski smirked evilly,

I opened my mouth but a squeak came out he grabbed my hand staring me down from head to toe his smirk dropped then it came back but more sinister I've never fear someone like him "I'll give you 5 minutes to get out of here or if you want to you can save your friend he only has little oxygen to breathe in if I where you I'd save myself baby" he bluntly whispered into my ear a chill went down my spine just from his deep raspy voice,

I looked up at him with angry eyes hatred flowing through my body "you evil bastard" I growled taking my hand away from him running down the halls not looking back for 5 minutes it can't be that hard. I   ran and saw two doors I opened the first door and a kid sat down with tear stains down his face he glanced at me and flinched and spoke, 

"p-please don't hurt me" he whimpered with a broken voice I rolled my eyes I don't have time for this but that's a kid I sighed "hey don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you I'm trying to find my brother do you want me to help you out too?"I whispered quickly he sniffled "yes please I've been here for years I can help you find your friend,"  he said in a happy tone,

I sprinted over to him crouching down getting the key from my pocket unlocking the shackles and the chain on his neck I got up and ran over to the door I turned my head "come on kid" whispered he nodded limping over to me I started to feel bad what if they raped him and abused him that he can't walk I turned around,

"get on my back"  I groaned then he did as told I hold his legs running down the halls continuing my search for Michael just hold on for me Mikey I'm almost there I just know you're close by I thought swallowing hard  we came across a door with locks all over I groaned "fuck you stokeley, "I said in frustration everything began spinning damnit its the weed kicking in,

I held my hand under him so he doesn't fall then checked my pants "there you are"I smiled getting my pocket knife "what's your name" he asked, "Jahseh you?" I asked beginning to pick the locks "I don't have a name"the boy said disappointed as the first lock on the door unlocked "oh damn"I said not caring much "how old are you?" he asked,

  "17" I whispered picking the other lock "how did you even get here?"I asked confused "I don't know my dad abandoned me and then next thing I know I was here..then that's when the bad men came.." he whimpered I hummed "can you name me?" he nervously asked "sure from now on you'll be Noah onfroy"I smiled slightly as the lock finally unlocked,

"I like it," he said in a happy tone"hold on tight noah," I said as his grip got tighter around my neck and his legs locked onto my torso "oh my fucking god," I grunted running over to the tank that Michael was in "Noah come down for a second, "I asked he did as told "fuck fuck why ski why"I growled there was a keypad with numbers on it

"shit" I groaned annoyed then I remembered ski appearance he had 777 oh his nose maybe that's the code I guess I looked at Michael then back at the keypad "fuck it"I sighed putting in the numbers 'BEEP' .

"oh fuck" I mumbled tears started to fall down my face "n-no" I mumbled trying in a different code then nothing came "Noah" I called "yeah?"  he tilted his head confused furrowing his eyebrow

"I need you to get far away from this place I'll find you I promise, "I said kneeling to him "w-what about you" he whimpered,

"I'll be fine I promise"I softly said "pinky promise" he whispered "pinky promise"  I answered as our pinkies "go now I don't have much time left"I softly whipered he nodded left I turned back to Michael.

"I'll try to get you out even if it takes my life mike" I whispered going to the keypad let's try this one more time 1877 'Ding Ding' it buzzed with a green light and the tank was opened.

"times up baby, "a raspy voice said from behind me a tensed "I'm not going anywhere with you your gonna have to kill me to get to him"I objected getting into my fighting stance "your strength and I admire that...but you're making a mistake Jah" he sinisterly laughed,   

"Don't call me that you Bastar-"I started but he cut me off he put a gun in my mouth? "say that again baby?" he smirked I stayed quiet "that's what I thought I gave you time but you didn't get out of here instead you wanted to act like the hero" he taunted,

"so you get to come with me.." he said taking the gun out my mouth "I'm not going and you can't force me just kill me now or your just a pussy" objected with attitude "oh I'm not gonna force you...I'm gonna make you" he laughed hitting my head and everything went black

(Made by)~{Vrsjahsehh}

(Word count)~{1,012}

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