"Why am I here?" I blinked.

"Do I need to remind you, we've been doing...THIS for a while." He gestured to both me and him. "So, what the fuck?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I rolled my eyes. "I don't need you to cure my sexual needs when I can always have-"

"Shut the hell up." He groaned. "A boyfriend is taking MY sex away. I don't want that."

"Then get some random ass girl to fuck you then." I huffed.

"Ngh, but...fuck!" He growled. "You're my go-to. You give the best...the....fuck you!"

"I know I'm great at satisfying you. But I don't want to do that forever. I wanna get a boyfriend and marry eventually."

"Fine! Fucking date me then, an open relationship isn't that-"

"I don't want a fucking open relationship." I facepalmed. "You're so fucking selfish, you just want me for yourself."

"I don't care if you guys fuck once, but if you start dating? You're going to stop seeing me and then no more sex."

"Sucks to be you then. I'm sorry I want to commit." I shrugged.

"You don't know how because you keep whoring around and drinking." Bakugou glared.

"...Just when I thought you weren't that bad...asshole." I shoved him out of the way and got out of the bathroom.

Monoma sat patiently at the lunch table, I nervously sat next to him and sighed. "Oh yeah! Sure let's go out."

"Great." He grinned. "What was that all about?"

"He's being an asshole like usual." I shrugged. "So...where are we going?"


"Hey, I'll pick you up around 7 tomorrow." Monoma smiled as he got something from the shelf for me.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan."

"You sure you don't want me walking you home?" He raised a brow. "Bunch of villains might gang up on you."

"I'm a hero, I can take care of myself." I rolled my eyes. "Don't underestimate me."

"Ah, right." He grinned. "You're not THAT weak."

"Whatever." I grin back. "See ya."

"Hm." He hummed and winked before I left.

Maybe this was good for me, I can get over that asshole that I'm somehow into. I made it peacefully to my house, making dinner for myself so I can watch T.v. It was so quiet in my house...wonder what it would be like if I shared my house with someone. It's lonely. I want kids someday, I want a husband. Jeez, such a girly dream. I chuckled to myself, maybe Monoma was some random guy thrown at me by the heavens, I was finally getting a break.

I was a bit sad I wouldn't get the best sex in the world anymore but if it means finding the right person, then I'll give it up. I took time for myself, making puzzles, staring at the ceiling, and being lonely. I could have used...wait...Bakugou and I are really done huh? Well, he was an asshole, I'm not really in the mood for him. I cleaned around my house and now that I was done for the day, I was ready for bed. I noticed I was still in my hero costume, sweaty even, I need a shower.

After showering, I went to watch T.v in the living room alone. I went through the news and gasped. Bakugou was on the screen, yelling at a bunch of his fans, and he looked so drunk. It was a video recorded about an hour ago, then I heard a harsh knock on the door. I turned the T.v off and opened it, surprised to see Bakugou convention standing there. He looked like he was losing balance, his face was red, and he reeked of alcohol.

"L/n..." He stepped forward.

I chuckled nervously and stepped back then he stepped closer. I tripped on the side of my couch from backing away and crawled backward as he crawled to me. He spread my legs and I gasped, trying to kick him off. He grunted and caught my hands throwing them to my sides. I screamed at him to get the hell off, thinking he was gonna rape me. But he didn't. I misunderstood him. I slapped him but then he hugged me right after. Then he stayed like that, I forced us to sit up as he embraced me, but the way he hugged me was as if he was upset about something.

"...Are you okay?" I asked surpassingly.

"No..." He said quietly. "Fucking stressed..."

I felt so bad. So fucking bad for him. I forgot he was actually a softie when nobody's around, he probably didn't mean that remark today. I don't know what happened in the next few seconds, but it was a blur. I was currently making out with him, but I felt like I shouldn't be doing that. He was intoxicated and I would be raping him so. I tried pushing him off and then he whined, glaring at me before diving into the crook of my neck.

"Why'd you stop? Keep going..." He mumbled.

"We can't. You're drunk." I said.

"I did it to you when you were drunk..."

"Yeah but that's because I wouldn't leave you alone and I was on viagra." I tried pushing him off again.

"Shut up...I may not be on Viagra but I sure as hell won't leave you alone until we do it...I promise I won't be mad..."

"Bakugou!" I gasped as I felt two fingers dig deep in me. "We need to stop..."

"No...that boyfriend of yours...you'll still sleep with me right?" He frowned as he fingered me.

"A-Ah...No! I...we...we have to...stop..." I panted. "You only like me for sex, we have to-"

"Not true." He bit my neck.

"What do...ah! You mean..." I asked.


He fell asleep while he fingered me. Wow.

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