📽Chapter 1: Star Kingdom

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=Star Kingdom=
/Princess Yuri's POV/

"Princess Yuri, please pay attention" Ms. Kim said as I just sighed

"I just want to bake pastries again" I whispered which was heard by my twin

"And I just want to garden but do you see me complaining, dear twin?" Yura asked

"You're not helping, Yura" I rolled my eyes

"And that's it for our lesson today, Your Highnesses, you may go now" Ms. Kim said as we bowed to her and quickly walked out the room

"Etiquette classes are so boring~" I whined

"Tell me about it" Yura said

"I'm gonna go ahead and bake, do you want anything?" I asked

"Strawberry creampuffs should be fine" Yura said

"Okay then, I'll just come over to your garden once I'm finished" I said, turning to the kitchen hall

"See you later, dear twin" I waved as Yura waved back and we separate ways

=Kitchen Hall=

"Ah, Princess Yuri, here to bake something again?" Mr. Na, our head chef, said

"Yes, Mr. Na. Etiquette classes just finished and all I could think of was baking" I said with a smile as I started preparing the ingredients for Yura's request

"Of course, what can we expect from our Baker Princess" Mr. Na said, as I laughed slightly

"You know etiquette classes isn't really my thing, right, Mr. Na?" I asked, starting to do the strawberry creampuffs

"Of course, Your Highness, ever since you were a little girl. You prefer to be in the kitchen watching us cook rather than attending your classes" Mr. Na said

"And who would've thought I got it from my own father" I smiled

"His Majesty's family was one of the best bakers in the empire long before he even met Her Majesty. It's practically in his bloodline now and it wasn't surprising that one of you was able to inherit it, Your Highness" Mr. Na said

"Mr. Na, when do you think is he coming back?" I asked as I placed the creampuffs into an oven

"Soon, Your Highness" Mr. Na said which somehow comforted me

After a few more minutes of us chatting, the creampuffs was done and I put it into a basket

"Well, I'll be going to my sister now, Mr. Na, I'll see you around" I bid and walked out the kitchen

"See you, Princess Yuri" Mr. Na said

=Princess Yura's Garden=

"Twin sister, I'm here with your strawberry creampuffs now" I called

"Ah, just in time" Yura said, standing up from a rose bush

"You're taking good care of your flowers, aren't you?" I teased

"Of course, they're like my babies, you know?" Yura said

"And I see your pastries tastes good like always" Yura complimented after taking a bite

"Of course, baking is my pride and strongest quality" I said

"As gardening is to me" Yura said as we both laughed

"Ah, so this is where my dear twin daughters are hanging out again" A voice said from behind us as we turned around

"Mother!" Yura and I exclaimed as we quickly stood up and engulfed her in a hug

"How is my daughters doing?" Mother asked, hugging us back

"We're doing fine, Mother" Yura and I unison

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, my twins" Mother giggled as she tightened her embrace on us

"Your Majesty, Your Highnesses, lunch will be served in 5" Our head butler informed

"Yes, we'll be there" Mother said

"Let's go?" Mother asked as I picked up the basket of pastries and we walked back inside the castle together

[Who do you think is 'he'?]

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