"Idiot." Bianca grumbled under her breath, sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of her nose. Leo noticed Amber slump her shoulders and direct her defeated gaze to the ground. Since Kai was clearly oblivious to Bianca's malicious teasing, he knew he had to say something.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea to me." Leo whispered, still quiet, but just loud enough so Bianca could hear him. Amber's face lit up. He smirked as he noticed Bianca's dumbfounded facial expression in his periphery.

"Then that's what we'll do. Great idea, Amber." Kai declared as he patted the girl on the back, lifting up the unconscious soldier's body off the glistening, reflective surface with ease. After setting the man down softly on the carpeted floor of the janitor's closet, he peered out of the room from around the corner.

Finding that no one was there, he swiftly tilted his hand forward, signaling to his team that it was okay for them to proceed.

Prying open a pair of elevator doors was much harder than it looked in those action movies Kai watched. Captain Awesome made it look like a piece of cake. After all, that was his favorite superhero movie-and the only one he'd ever seen.

He grunted as his biceps bulged, being visible through his suit as a dull pain rippled throughout his shoulders. Bianca couldn't stop gazing at the guy in her periphery, but she had to force herself to.

Dylo zipped inside of the hangar, scanning every inch of the environment for security guards. His body blurred as he traversed the reflective floor at over 200 miles per hour. About 2 seconds later, he reappeared in front of the others in a flash, his glowing blond hair now disheveled as he readjusted it.

"Hangar's secure." Dylo confirmed as he smirked, leaning up against the doorframe.

"Cool. You gonna move so we can get in?" Troy grunted, annoyed as he pushed past the short blond. Dylo furrowed his brow at him.

"Which one was it again, Adam?" Kai asked, unable to remember which aircraft was departing at 6:30. All of them looked the same to him, and the only difference was the lettering on the wings.

"GC-73." Adam answered as he began walking over to the titanium aircraft. Before the Genodium explosion, he wouldn't have been able to remember that, as he'd always suffered from short-term memory loss. Now, however, his newfound superhuman memory made it much easier for him.

Kai clasped his hands around the chain that locked the door to the cargo bay, crushing it into pieces. Opening the door, he motioned for the others to enter.

After everyone was inside, Leo gently closed the large, titanium door and frantically looked for cover. The Genodium explosion had also enhanced his vision, allowing him to see just as good in the dark as he did in the daytime.

Near the back of the cargo bay, he spotted a few wooden crates, and a large, tan tarp that looked like it would be able to cover all seven of them. Adam wondered what was in those crates as curiousness peeled at his body, but he couldn't think about it right now.

"We could use that tarp over there as cover." He declared as Troy strolled over to the tarp, pulling out a small, black device-about the length of his palm-from his pocket.

"Oh cool. Did Dr. Matthews give you some kinda high-tech laser or something?" Dylo asked with glee, staring at Troy's device.

"It's a pocket knife, dude."

"Oh. I was close."

"No you weren't."

After the tarp was successfully cut, Kai moved some of the wooden crates in front of them, obscuring their position.

He then draped the tarp over himself and his companions, intending to hide there for the duration of the 2-hour flight. The aircraft was heading to one of Primus' bases-which was stationed in Ohio-to rescue the detained Genesis soldiers from the ambush a few nights before.

"This thing sucks." Dylo complained as he squirmed to get comfortable. Troy smacked him upside the head, telling him to shut up.

Kai couldn't help but chuckle. After all, their meaningless bickering did lighten the mood a bit, considering that they were about to face a super-powered serial killer.

But he knew that he had to stay focused. None of them knew what other abilities Ajax possessed. They could very well be digging their own graves if they went up against him.

But he didn't care. Director Callan wouldn't do anything about it, so it was solely up to them. His bulletproof body and Bianca's force field would be enough to protect his teammates. They needed to take him down at all costs.

If they figured out how to work as a team, they'd be able to stop him. After a few days of training together, Kai had analyzed all of his teammates strengths and weaknesses in combat to prepare for their fight with Ajax.

Troy was very quick, strong, durable, and possessed an extremely high tolerance of pain. However, his power didn't seem very effective against opponents. But he was the second tank of the team, his fighting skills rivaled his own, and Kai felt that he'd work well with him, even if he was a bit of an ass.

While all of them possessed some form of enhanced strength and speed, Adam was physically the weakest and slowest out of them all. But with his telekinetic abilities, the researchers at Genesis Industries theorized that he'd be able to levitate or maybe even fly later down the line. He could also manipulate projectiles, but it often depended on how fast they were moving.

Leo was clearly the least durable of the seven, and was very hesitant in battle, but definitely made up for it with his power. He was very intelligent, possessed the greatest amount of control over his powers, and was by far the most versatile. Kai theorized that Leo was the most powerful of them all.

Amber was definitely a valuable asset. If she was really as good with a bow as she said, then she'd definitely prove to be a formidable ally against Ajax. But she'd have to rely on her own cryokinetic abilities to get the job done today. He figured that the girl preferred ranged attacks, but she was trained in boxing and karate, and was very quick, so she could very well hold her own in melee combat. Either way, Kai was glad to have her on his side.

Bianca was good as a defensive combatant, because of her abilities. While she could condense her force fields into energy spheres to use as ranged attacks, he just felt that she would do better in a defensive position. Plus, it's not like she'd yearn to do any fighting.

Lastly, there was Dylo, the fastest of them all. Speed and agility were his only advantages over the others, but those were huge advantages, and he was moderately durable. His speed combined with his parkour skills made him nigh-untouchable. But, he was also very reckless. He figured that he and Leo would work well together, because Leo would keep him in check.

He thought they should've acquired some sort of weapon, but it's not like any of them knew how to use one. While they hadn't completely mastered their powers, they'd have to make do with what they had. Besides, Dr. Matthews had theorized that they'd uncover a myriad of hidden abilities in the future.

Hopefully the ones they had now would be enough.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now