Chapter 8. Destiny

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Oliver found himself on a bench by the seaside where he got married to Felicity. "Hi." He heard her voice behind him and turned his head and looked at her. She was wearing the pink coat she wore when they got married.
  "Hey." Oliver said. His head was still preoccupied with the visions of his future that he just had witnessed.
  "Are you okay?" Felicity asked as she sat down on the bench next to Oliver.
  "No." He sighed as she reached for his hand.
"If it's about what happened between you and Barry, it doesn't matter. I love you and I know it wasn't really you because it wasn't real." she said and Oliver sighed again and pulled his hand back.
  "But that's just it, it was real, Felicity. We didn't forget the actual reality, no one was controlling us." he responded quietly and stared down at the ground.
  Felicity laughed nervously and unamused. "Kara told me that you got fake married. And you said that you even slept with him. Why would you do that if you weren't controlled?" she asked and Oliver's cheeks heated up and he stared out at the water in front of them before he looked down again.
  "Because I'm in love with him." The words escaped his mouth before he could stop them. Why should I waste time? I'm apparently a dead man, anyway.
  Felicity was quiet for a couple of seconds before she eventually burst into giggles. "Wait? You're serious?" she asked as she noticed Oliver's blushing cheeks and the way he avoided looking at her. He had to force himself to look at her.
  "I'm sorry." he sighed deeply.
  "Since when?" Felicity asked and her voice was more high pitched than she intended.
  Oliver closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Since forever. I think a part of me has been in love with him since the first day we met him." he knew Felicity deserved to know the truth. "But I was too damn scared of my feelings. I used to be a playboy for gods sake so I pushed all the wrong thoughts about him away. Because I thought I could just get over whatever I was feeling if I pretended they didn't exist and when he wasn't around it was easy." he admitted and still didn't look up at her. "But I was just fooling myself. The feelings only became stronger the more I tried to avoid them. And then this new reality happened and it made me realize that I really do love him." Oliver poured out his heart and Felicity stayed quiet during his whole confession.
  "I'm truly sorry." Oliver said and finally managed to look at her. "I should've realized this sooner because you know I'd never want to hurt you." he sighed and carefully reached out for her hand. She gave it a gentle squeeze before she let go again.
  "What does this mean for us, then? Are you divorcing me so you can really marry him?" Felicity asked and Oliver was shaking his head.
  "I don't know and what's the point? He doesn't feel the same way, but even if he did, his feelings for Iris will always be stronger and he'll always choose her..." he said and sighed again.
  Then he felt Felicity carefully reaching for his hand. "Oliver, I don't want you to be unhappy or stay with me because you think he doesn't deserve you or something like that." she said and Oliver chuckled unamused before he let out a sigh again.
  "But he doesn't, he fills my world with light but what do I have to offer him? The same things I selfishly pulled into your life. Darkness? Death?" The last word just slipped out of him before he could stop it. He's gonna watch me die twice. It's better I let him go now.
  "Death? What do you mean?" Felicity asked. Oliver closed his eyes again and sighed before he looked at her again. I already broke her heart. I don't want to crush her soul. I still love her. I can't tell her about Crisis.
  "I just mean that everyone I love, always ends up hurt, one way or another. And I couldn't live with myself if something happened to him too. Not because of me..." his voice became lower with every word. Felicity gently squeezed his hand again.
"I know this is gonna sound really weird, since I'm your wife and all is so complicated..." she started and chuckled softly before she continued. "...but I've known Barry for a long time too and I know that he's had a crush on you since the day we met him. I even told him right after he found out about you, that it sounded like he wanted to date you and he just blushed and stayed quiet like I would've done." she said and chuckled again. Oliver looked briefly at her. His cheeks turned red.
  "He did?" he asked with a hopeful glimpse in his heart and she just nodded.
  "He totally did, so if he makes you happy then you should take the risk." Felicity said and Oliver's jaw dropped. Did my wife just give me permission to be with someone else? Another guy on that? A married man?
  "Really?" he asked with an eyebrow raised in confusion. She nodded again and chuckled softly.
  "I'll ask Laurel for divorce papers today and you go talk to him. There's no one else I'd give up my husband to." Her words were spinning in his head. She started laughing and soon he couldn't help but chuckle and join her laughter.
  "You know you're amazing right?" Oliver said and leaned in and kissed Felicity's forehead. She smiled.
  "Yeah. Some people would settle with remarkable." she said and he gently placed another kiss, on her lips this time.
  "You know I still love you too, right..." he said once their lips parted. She nodded.
  "But you love him more?" she said it as a question. He blushed and nodded.

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