“Sage, you embarrassed me in front of my coworkers! That is not acceptable. I also noticed that that Aaron boy is here.”

“Yeah it’s because I’m dating him.” I said crossing my arms defiantly.

“What about Nate?” He asked shocked.

“You’re not the only one who can lie, dad.” I said before turning my back and walking away while signaling to my friends through the window so they could follow me.


“I wish you didn’t have to leave.” I said while hugging Heather.

The taxi driver was picking up all her luggage and putting it in the trunk. Heather had spent nearly two weeks with us and her mom didn’t even care that she was skipping school. She had accompanied me to school for the past week and a half that we had school days. Kids had given her weird looks but she fit in well with my friends. Our lunch table had gone to me, Kalina, Aaron and Brad now that Heather was leaving.

“I know, I wish I could stay longer too, even if it was just a day longer.” She said as she pulled back from my hug.

“The hell is going to begin as soon as you leave you know?”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have flash mobbed his work.” She said with a small smirk on her face.

“I just wanted him to see what he missed.”

“It was more than that. It was you trying to get his attention.”

“It worked, didn’t it?” I said with a smirk of my own.

“You’ll just have to face the consequences.” I groaned as she hugged me once more. “Don’t worry. I’ll come back as soon as I can, until then don’t forget to email me. Ok?”

“I won’t.” I promised as we broke away. “Have a safe trip, k?”

“I promise.” She said before getting in the taxi. She waved to me as the taxi cab drove down the street; I waved back until it disappeared around the corner.

I hadn’t even made it to my porch before a sleek red mustang pulled up in front of my house.

I was about to keep going to my door until I saw that it was Nate who was driving. I laughed as he got out smiling. “It seems that I can never be alone anymore.” I said jokingly.

“Well we all know how pissed your dad’s gonna be once you’re alone. So we’ve all decided we won’t let that happen…at least not for a while.” He said as he walked closer to me.

“You all decided this?” I asked crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows.

“Ya Kalina texted me about it at least.”

“Wow she’s such an awesome friend.” I said with light sarcasm.

“So do you think you can come over to my house for the night?” He said walking up my porch to my front door as I followed behind him.

“For the night?” I asked as I opened the door and walked him into the kitchen. “Like that’s gonna happen.”

“Hey Mr. Thompson is it ok if Sage spends the night at my house tonight? I promise there will be no funny business, we’re just friends. She can even sleep in the guest bedroom.”

“Uh-“ I started but my dad cut me off.

“Well normally I’d say no because Sage is on restrictions, but because I know your dad and how responsible you are I guess its ok.”

“What?” I asked but Nate lightly stepped on my foot telling me to shut up.

“Just have her home before one tomorrow ok?”

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