Chapter 27

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" she's asleep " Minho says as he leans in to check on Yeona who was really quiet in my arms. We're already at the ice cream parlor and Minho made me hold Yeona while he goes to order the ice cream for us. Yeona didn't want to release Minho at first , her being already comfortable in the male's arms but Minho made her stay in my arms anyways.

I already told him that I could go and just simply use my own money for the ice creams but he insists on using his , saying that it's his treat even though he already bought a huge meal at home earlier. " really ? " I try glancing at Yeona , careful not to wake the poor girl up.

Minho stops me once he saw Yeona moves a bit and I immediately stop , looking at him. My heart beat accelerates , this is the second time this happens but now he is really close to me that his breath is touching my lips. I don't even know how he can get so close to me while Yeona is in my arms.

We lock eyes with each other , just staring at each other without any words being said. Minho's eyes were slowly turning blue and my own eyes widen at the sight. My widen eyes must made Minho notice this and moves back immediately , shaking his head while having his eyes closed.

He opens them , looking at me with red tint all over his cheeks. " s- , sorry but I was afraid that you'll wake Yeona up. She might cry and we don't want to end up upsetting her again " I nod at his words , feeling my own cheeks burning from the event earlier.

I shake my head , trying to erase the memory of that event. Carefully , I move my hands to point at the ice creams that Minho is holding. " what are gonna do with those then ? " Minho looks at the ice cream in his hands then back at me. Shrugging his shoulders , he took a big bite of the ice cream.

" might as well eat it , I don't wanna waste my money by throwing it away " I squint my eyes at him , thinking that he is going insane. The amount of ice cream in his hand can clearly feed 3 people and he thinks that he can eat all of that alone ? He's going to get a major stomachache if he does that. " you do realize that you just bought a 3 people portion of ice cream right ? "

Minho nods , looking at me with a confuse looking face. If Yeona isn't in my arms now , I would've smack the back of his head to make him realize that what he's doing is gonna make him regret it later. I was about to open my mouth to argue with him about how stupid he is being now but he cuts me with an 'ah' that escapes from his lips.

I wait for what he is going to say , an eyebrow raised , provoking him. " ah ~ you think that I'm going to eat this all alone ? " he looks at me , tilting his head to the side , grinning a bit. He looks cute with that action of his , making me cough suddenly to hide the fact that my heart was beating quickly.

Minho widen his eyes and puts the ice cream on a near table then tries to calm me down by rubbing my back. I regain my posture and move away from his hand a bit. He is still looking at me with worry in his eyes and I give him a small smile , reassuring him that I'm fine.

Minho lets out a sigh and picks up the ice cream from the table , handing it to me. " I wasn't going to eat it alone. I'll be in the toilet for the whole day if I did " Minho explains while I just keep blinking , looking at the ice cream in front of me like a complete idiot. " I was going to share it with you but now I think of it , I could handle the constipation later if you keep being like an idiot "

My eyes widen , realizing that he just called me an idiot. My gaze tore away from the ice cream , changing it to look at Minho. He shrugs his shoulders once I met eyes with him. Slowly , he moves the ice cream away from but before he could fully do it , I took a bite of the ice cream. " see , that was easy right ? " Minho says as he let go of the ice cream , shoving his hand in his pocket.

Leaving the ice cream hanging out of my mouth. I roll my eyes at him while adjusting the sleeping Yeona in my arms to hold the ice cream properly. Minho already started walking away , probably heading home , while I was trying to get a hold of the ice cream. Catching up with him , I made a little run , knowing that he won't even wait for me even if I shout out his name.

You're mine ... ? [ soulmate au ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ