A New Experience

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"Your blood pressure and vitals are both fine, and your head should heal with time," the doctor said.
"How long will I be off work for?" Gabby asked.
"It depends how quick your head heals. It's just a deep cut so 1-2 weeks. But I can't clear you for work until the cut has healed enough that the bandage can come off."
"Don't push it Gabby," Matt said squeezing her hand.
"Mr Casey can I have a moment alone with Miss Dawson?" The doctor asked.
"Yeah sure," he said standing up and kissing Gabbys hand. "I'll just be outside."

Matt left the room leaving the doctor and Gabby.

"Miss Dawson."
"Please just call me Gabby. I see you nearly everyday when I bring in patients."
"Okay," she smiled. "Gabby when we were running through all your tests we found something unusual."
"What kind of unusual?" She asked concerned.
"Have you missed something the past few months?" She asked gently.
"What?" Gabby looked puzzled. "What are you talking ab-...oh.....oh god no. Please tell me I'm not."

The doctor placed her hand on Gabbys shoulder.

"Gabby you're pregnant."

Gabby closed her eyes and bit her lip.

"These things, they aren't always planned and you can get help. But you need to talk to Matt. That's the most important thing."
"Thank you. Ah, can you send Matt in?"
"I'll give you guys some time." She said walking out the room to Matt. "Be gentle with her, she might not want to talk straight away."

Matt walked back into the room where Gabby had her head in her hands and her knees up slightly.

Hey," he smiled sitting beside her and taking her hand. "What did the doctor say?"
"Matt....I'm pregnant..." She whispered.
"Well...thanks great." He smiled.
"Is it? I'm 5 weeks away from taking my firefighters exam, I'm in a dangerous and strenuous job. In 4 months I'll need to finish up. Matt I don't know if I can handle this. I mean I love kids but to give up probably the next two years of my career....."
"I know we've never really talked about kids but it wasn't that far away you've got to admit. 5 years at most. You would've just completed being a candidate and being on the job. Maybe this is is sign for us."
"Matt you don't get it. I know your goal was to be a dad, mine was to be a firefighter. If we have a kid you're not the one that has to put your dream on hold for this."
"Look Gabby, I love you and we can do this."
"I'm scared Matt," she whispered tearing up. "I don't want to mess this up."
"I'll be there for you."
"Except for when you're on a 24 hour shift," she replied.
"Herman and Cindy managed. They've got like 5 kids now don't they?"
"I just need some time to think, okay? I can't promise you that I'll make a decision soon."
"I love you Gabby," he whispered kissing her head.
"I-I love you too."

A/N: Hey guys. I just want to thank you for all the positive feedback I'm getting! It makes me want to update more and more. I'm going away tomorrow and I don't know how much I'll be able to update! I'll try my best I promise xxx

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