The comment bounced off Lisa like a poorly aimed dart. While she didn't doubt Seulgi had always thought Lisa only dated Irene for her money, she no longer needed to defend herself.

Somewhat proud she'd resisted the urge to call after Seulgi, "enjoy my leftovers," Lisa took the opportunity to turn the entire debacle back on the person making a scene.

Folding her arms across her chest, Lisa quirked an eyebrow. "Pot, kettle, black? How long have you two been cosy?"

"It's not like that." Irene looked at the floor, her bravado gone.

The fact Irene's obnoxious P.A. was now calling her sweetheart suggested otherwise. "Tell it to someone who cares."

Lisa entwined her fingers with Jennie and linked her other arm with Minnie's. "Come on, ladies, there are more entertaining exhibits to see than this...this..." Lisa trailed off leaving Irene to fill in the blank.


After nabbing Ten on their way past the bathroom, Lisa put her arm around Jennie's waist and guided them toward the ground floor. Ten walked with a stoop, his ear close to Minnie's mouth as she no doubt gave him a rundown of the drama he'd narrowly avoided.

The good-natured humour they'd all enjoyed had been replaced by a dark gloomy cloud. One minute they'd been exploring the wonders of the world, the next a volcano had erupted and spewed shit on them.

"You okay?" Lisa squeezed Jennie's side, pulling her closer.

"No." Jennie shook her head. "But I will be." Her sad smile punched Lisa in the gut. Fuck Irene and the high and mighty horse she rode in on.

Back outside, loitering around the front entrance, Ten spoke first. "I have a work van. If you need a hand to move, I can follow you back to Palmerston."

A strong desire to launch herself at Ten rocked Lisa to her core. "You really are sweet, aren't you?" He shrugged.

Minnie burrowed into his side. "He is."

Looking at her little sister, all grown up, Lisa swallowed the lump in her throat. If one good thing came out of today, it was knowing that Minnie had met a good man.

Jennie let out a humourless chuckle. "That's a lovely offer, Ten. The thing is, I have no idea where I'm moving to."

The penny finally dropped, and Lisa could've kicked herself. No wonder Jennie had looked so distraught. At the time, Lisa's mind had immediately flicked to the fact Irene had done them a favour. She'd overlooked the bigger picture. Jennie was soon to be homeless.

Actually, no she wasn't, not if Lisa could help it. "You can stay with me." Lisa beamed, feeling proud of herself, and excited by the prospect.

Minnie's eyes lit up. "Great idea."

Jennie's piercing gaze bore into Lisa. "Don't you think we should talk about that first?"

"Oh yeah," Minnie said, sounding as flat as Lisa felt.

Even though what Jennie said made sense, Lisa couldn't deny the disappointment that weighed heavily on her shoulders. Her emotions were all over the place.

The next thought made Lisa's stomach lurch. What if Jennie moved back to New Plymouth? Surely she wouldn't.

"How about Mum's place?" Minnie asked.

"That could work," Lisa replied. "Mum would love the company."

"I couldn't impose on your mother." Jennie shook her head, her black hair fanning out like a raven about to take flight.

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