''I'm here now''

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In fewer than ten minutes she was at the cemetery and looking for him. She knew this place very well; she had used to come here quite often. Her vault was here.

Scanning around the quiet place, she noticed a person lying down on the grass next to a small grave.

Robin, it was him. And God, he looked so broken.

She instantly started to walk closer to him with unsure but steady steps. Her heart was beating fast, her fingers were unconsciously playing with her coat and her breath was quick and sharp.

He didn't seem to notice her presence; he hadn't moved from his place in the slightest.

Regina took a deep breath and walked around the small grave until she was in front of him.

She looked at the inscription carved into the marble headstone and couldn't prevent the tears gathering in her eyes.

'Beloved son, Roland.
Taken too soon;
Lost but never forgotten''

When she turned her gaze to Robin, she saw that he was sleeping. Her heart broke into pieces. Robin was sleeping near Roland's empty grave. This was more than she could handle.

She fell to her knees in front of him and started caressing his face. She couldn't ignore that strong need she had to touch him

''Robin?'' she breathed with a soft voice.

Robin opened his eyes, and when he saw her he wasn't shocked at all: something that made Regina's brows furrow.

''I thought I told you to stop coming to me in my dreams," he said, his voice broken as his eyes closed again.

Regina couldn't control her tears. How damaged was he?

''Oh Robin,'' she breathed, and lay down next to him with both of her hands holding his face. ''It isn't a dream; I'm here."

''Told you to stop saying that too,'' Robin responded, frowning and scrunching his eyes even tighter, refusing to believe that she was really there.

''Robin, please, open your eyes." She begged, lightly shaking him, "I'm really here.''

But Robin remained as he was. Sure she was just a figment of his imagination. Again.

Regina took a deep breath and moved closer to brush her lips against his, kissing him in a way that fell short of what she wanted, but enough to let her remember the feel his lips after their time apart.

Robin opened his eyes in shock.

''Regina?'' he breathed, scrambling to sit up, rubbing his eyes.

''I'm here, Robin,'' she smiled weakly at him, shifting to rest on her knees.

''You can't be real'' Robin whispered, tentatively reaching towards her. His fingertips hovered millimetres from her skin, afraid that if he tried to touch her she would just fade away in front of him and he'd be left feeling empty again.

Hesitantly, he closed his eyes and moved his hand, gasping when his hand encountered the warm skin of her cheek.

Robin choked back a sob and opened his eyes again, moving his other hand to cup her face. Then the dam burst and his touch was everywhere; squeezing her shoulders, travelling up and down her arms, grasping her hands, moving back to her face, tangling in her hair, trailing his fingers over her cheeks, her lips… everywhere, until he was satisfied she was actually in front of him.

''You are real,'' he breathed, tears running from his lashes.

''I'm here Robin. I really am,'' she assured him before moving forwards and wrapping her arms around him. He buried his head in the crook of her neck and cried.

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