Chapter 58 Attack Plan

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Third pov

Chloe looked over the videoe while Kagami took the recordings."I can't believe you got these over two weeks." She muttered as she looked at the files.

"Your father should be in jail." Kagami was furious on her friend's behalf.

Luka was clenching and unclenching his hands, reminding himself to breathe and think happy thoughts to reduce the risk of an akuma.

Adrien himself was anxiously chewing on a bagel. "You think this is enough to get something started?"

Chloe nodded. "This will definitely get things started. The question is who you want to represent you." At Adrien's confused look she continued. "Either I take this to my lawyers or Kagami can take it to hers. Personally I think Kagami's mother is the safest bet right now."

"Mother would be happy to help." Kagami said.

Adrien thought it over while finishing his bagel. "There is one more option."

Luka handed him a sandwich. "Who?"

"My aunt Amelie."

Chloe lit up. "She's the best option. Didn't she fight to try and get custody of you a few years ago?"

Adrien nodded.

"Do you think you can call her or should one of us?" Chloe asked.

Adrien winced. "It's gotta be one of you. They're watching my call history." He wrote down his aunt's number on a slip of paper Luka handed him.

Luka rubbed his back. "We're going to get this sorted."

Adrien was happy for the comfort.


Tim did not understand how Marinette could be beating him in a game he was cheating on. "How are you doing that?"

Marinette was standing on the couch with the controller in her hands. "I'm the god of video games. Fear me mortal!"

Tim laughed. The image being too funny not to. "Whatever you say, gaming god. Whatever you say."


Nadja Chamak came to work fully ready to do her job. Even when they told her that they'd be showing quite a violent clip from Gotham.

She knew it wasn't often that clips from that city was shown due to how brutal they tended to be, so she wondered what made this one different.

"Ready Nadja?"

"Ready Sam."

The camera turned on and she said her usual lines until it was time for the clip.

"Now, for anyone with a dislike of violence, a sensitive stomach and younger viewers, viewer's discretion is advised.

This is a clip from Gotham City where Joker, one of their infamous villains went up against one brave teenager in a fight. He is now in Arkham Asylum receiving medical care."

Nadja nodded for Sam to start the clip, only for her blood to turn cold as she saw Marinette Dupain-Cheng in the clip.

"Nadja? Are you alright?"

No, no she's not.

She runs off the stage, happy that the clip is playing so no one can hear her puke in the nearest trash can.

Marinette..... Why hasn't Sabine said anything? How is she?

Nadja winced as she remembered that Manon had asked that morning if Marinette could take her to the zoo when she got back.

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