7. The Prom Date

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Raquelle baru saja membuatku, Harry, dan Luke duduk di sofa yang saling berhadapan. Aku tidak begitu sadar tanganku masih tergenggam dalam tangan Harry, kami duduk bersebelahan sementara Raquelle dan Luke duduk di sofa sebrang kami.

Raquelle menarik nafas dan tersenyum lebar, “Uhh, okay, where do I start?” kata Raquelle dan kami bertiga melihatnya dalam diam. “Lets start with.. Luke.” Lanjutnya sambil menepuk kedua tangannya terlalu bersemangat.

“Me?” tanya Luke bingung dan Raquelle mengangguk.

“So yesterday, or maybe a couple days before, I don’t remember, Luke was being honest to me. He was saying that he DOES want to go to the prom with YOU instead of me.” Raquelle said to me so casually and very calm. I shocked as fuck.

“Me?!” kataku terlalu keras. Aku merasa begitu terkejut, ini tidak bisa dipercaya!

Harry melihatku dengan muka yang sama terkejutnya lalu mendekatkan wajahnya padaku, “what the hell is going on?” bisiknya.

Aku balik melihat Harry, “do I look like I know what the hell is going on?” balasku berbisik juga.

“You guys don’t have to whispering eachother like that, I’ll explain it.” kata Raquelle membuat Harry menjauhkan kembali wajahnya. “since Luke wants Candice,” Wait-what? Since when Luke wants me? “and Candice seems want him as well,” Whoa-well, I don’t know what to respond to that. “I want to help both of you guys,” kata Raquelle sambil memegangku dan Luke bersamaan.

Aku melongo melihat Raquelle, apa yang dia rencanakan? “what’s your point?” tanyaku tidak kuat menahan rasa penasaran dan rasa tegangku.

“What are you trying to say here?” tanya Luke terdengar dingin tapi waspada.

Raquelle melihatku sambil tersenyum tanpa gigi, “I want us to switch our prom date.”

My jaw drops. Dia mau bertukar prom date? OH MAN I AINT LETTING HARRY GO AWAY.

“What? Raquelle, what the fuck you talking about?” kata Luke akhirnya bicara dengan suara keras.

Raquelle mengangkat bahu, “I’m helping you, sweety. You and Candice, how that sounds?” katanya.

“What? No!” kataku menolak dan tiga pasang mata langsung melihatku. Oh man! What happened to me? What do I want? I always want Luke to be my prom date but hell! I don’t even care about it for the last couple days! What should I do?!

“Well, Candice, you know? If you want to go with Luke that’s fine with me. Besides, your friend looks pretty.” Harry kembali berbisik membuatku tertegun. ‘your friend looks pretty’ huh? Aku merasa kesal, entah, mungkin karena Harry setuju untuk bertukar dengan Luke? Oh Candice, you poor girl! What did you expect from Harry? There’s nothing happen between you guys!

Aku menarik nafas dan sebisa mungkin menutupi rasa sedih dan kecewa. “I don’t know, I think.. I’m up with it.” kataku pelan dan mata Raquelle langsung berbinar.

“Oh my God! I am so exicted! Come with me,” kata Raquelle sambil berdiri dan menarikku, kami berdua berjalan menjauhi Harry dan Luke.

“What are you doing? Don’t touch me,” kataku lalu melepaskan diri dari pegangan Raquelle. Aku masih membenci sentuhan ini, terasa tidak bersahabat.

“Woah, chill buddy! Look, we’re graduate and I, represent the rest of my friends, are apologizing for all our mistakes for the past months.” Kata Raquelle membuatku bingung setengah mati.

“What are you doing now?” tanyaku bingung dan benar-benar merasa aneh. Ini amat sangat aneh.

“I’m apologizing to you and you asked what am I doing? Cmon, Candice, I am being serious right now, ok?” kata Raquelle menempatkan kedua tangannya di pinggang. Aku melihatnya masih bingung, membiarkannya bicara lebih, “I always know that you like Luke, from the way he saved you everytime I’m bicthing,” Oh! She called herself ‘bitching’. “I want to help you. I think you and Luke would be cute. And I don’t really care if you accept my apology or not, but I –“

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