"Sophie, I'm really glad I'm here with you. The connection I felt for you as soon as I locked eyes with you was like nothing I've ever experienced before" he said looking down at me.

"Okay, so it wasn't just me that felt that. Now I don't feel like a freak" I laughed.

"Never Sophie. We don't even really know each other all that well, but I've never felt so happy, or so comfortable with anyone. I feel like we've known each other for years" he said stopping me as we sat on a bench on a cute side street with a cobble stoned road and colorful buildings.

"Austin, I've had such shitty luck with men as you know. I had started to think that I was never going to find the person I was supposed to be with. I was starting to think something was wrong with me. But being with you, I feel like I've met my match. I feel like I finally am perfect for someone and not just a stepping stone until they find their soulmate" I said looking up at him with sad eyes.

"I'd never make you feel like that Sophie. I too feel like your my soulmate and I never want to loose you" he said pulling me into his chest.

"And you never will" I smiled leaning in for a kiss.

"Okay smile" he said holding up his phone.

"Austin, what are you doing" I laughed.

"Sharing my wife with the world," he said snapping a picture of me.

"Is Austin Richard Post going to share a private part of his life with his fans?" I asked. Sure he let me share my photo from last night on my page, but this was different.

"Haha your so funny" he smirked lighting a cigarette with one hand and adding my photo to his page with the other.

"Be prepared for your fans to ask you if you are being held hostage" I laughed.

"You be prepared for the rush of followers, I'm really just trying to help your follower base here Sophie it's looking a little low" he chuckled.

"Oh my God my hero! Thank you!" I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"No but really, you are going to have so many people interested in you now that your my wife. Are you going to be okay with this?" he asked grabbing my hand.

"I will, but if it ever becomes to much for me I promise to talk to you right away" I smiled.

"Come here you" he smiled, cupping the side of my face as he sweetly connected his lips with mine.


We ended up at a cute restaurant for lunch, sitting on a cute veranda in a garden, Austin and I the only two there as part of his request.

The waiter came over and Austin ordered us a bottle of La Marca Prosecco, letting the waiter know we would need more time to order our food.

"So Sophie, tell me more about yourself. I know that we have an amazing chemistry, but I'm dying to know more" he smiled at me across the table as he poured me a glass.

"Well let's see. I'm a Capricorn. I hate the beach but I love the mountains," I started.

"Now I know why your in Utah. It's a magical place isn't it?" he asked me.

"It truly is. I can never picture myself anywhere else" I smiled.

"Okay keep going" he laughed.

"Uhm what else do you want me to get into?" I smiled.

"What were you like when you were little?" he asked me with a smile as he sat back on his seat lighting a cigarette.

"Of course" I said taking a long drink of my Prosecco.

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