Chapter Two

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I look around to analyze my surroundings. There's humans everywhere. To my left and right, mere humans are walking tall with their nose pointing towards the sun.

"Where the hell am I?" I ask myself.

Some people freeze in place when they see me. It went from a few to an army of people.

"There's a demon!" one of them cries out of fear.

I look at a distance and see someone from the past. It was Shoki! I quickly jump onto my feet and grab my giant bag. I rush towards him. He looks straight at me.

"Why is there a demon here out of all places?" he asks himself.

That's when I notice that he has changed. He's no longer the little boy I knew. He doesn't recognize me in this form. The form of a male demon lord. He pulls out his half of the legendary sword.

"I'll exterminate every demon in my path," he says and attacks me.

I summon my own swords made out of dark magic. I glare at him.

"You've changed," I say and counterattack.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"I hope this jogs your memory!" I shout and pull out my half of the legendary sword from the past.

"Kensei?" he asks.

I smile and say, "I can't believe you still remember me."

He strikes my sword with his.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

I make a bunch of swords made out of my dark magic and make them rain down on him. He uses his light magic to speed himself up to dodge the swords.

"Wow, you've gotten better at using your magic," I said. "Too bad you're not the only one that's been training."

I throw off my black earring and crush it using my foot. The giant statue of a woman appears behind me. Her eyes open, and her blood flows straight into the cup she's holding. She then smashes the cup onto the road. People scream and evacuate the area. A girl with pink hair steps in.

"Stop the battle!" she shouts.

The tips of her hair are white and her eyes are lime green. She's a complete fashion disaster. She's wearing long, striped socks that're all loose and wrinkled. She's wearing a mini kimono like a blazer on top of her crop top. She's also wearing shorts which doesn't even fit in with her entire outfit.

We both pause along with the statue.

"You two are going to destroy the city at this rate!" she shouts desperately.

"Fashion Disaster, get out of here! This guy is dangerous!" he yells at her.

"You're just as much of a threat as she is!" she shouts and holds onto his hand.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend," I tease.

"You're going to get it!" he says angrily while clenching his teeth.

The fashion disaster blocks his path. I turn around and smile.

"I doubt any of you can defeat me," I said with a dark tone.

I use my magic to unveil my wings. I fly up, into the sky and leave the area.

"That girl is truly a demon lord," Shoki says.

"Girl?" the fashion disaster asks. "That's one smoking hot demon! How in the world is that even a girl? He's got rock-hard abs!"

"We should probably report this to the Adventurer's Guild," he says.

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