Meeting Shu

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Shu's POV

Shu's eyes blinked open as he stirred in his bed. As he adjusted to the sun's beaming light next to the window he finally got to look around the room he was in.

He was definitely not in his bedroom, but in a small room with a very uncomfortable bed. The room contained a small wooden cabinet next to the bed. There were two bookshelves and a red rug on the floor. There was also a spare table.

It was a sudden squeak from the door on the other side of the room that made Shu's eyes go more alert.

A short dark blue haired boy came into the room holding a bowl of orange liquid. Once he noticed that Shu was up his mouth curled up into a rather...cute relieved smile.

No matter how cute the boy before him was he was not gonna let his guard down especially with what's been happening recently.

Shu started to growl lowly in his throat as a warning to the dark blue haired boy that if he came closer his insides would become outsides.

The dark blue haired boy got the message and put the orange liquid down on the spare table and slowly put his hands up in a sign of surrender.

But Shu still wasn't gonna put his guard down and continued to growl at the short boy.

The boy sensing his confusion and distress started to softly coo and Shu, which made Shu abruptly stop growling and look at the boy in bewilderment and curiosity.

Omega. Shu breathed.

As the short boy noticed Shu stopped growling he slowly walked towards him and continued to coo. Once he was in front of Shu he grabbed his hands slowly and started to rub his palms, as if trying to calm him.

Shu didn't know what it was but this short blue haired boy interested him in some way. It was like they were meant to be, like they were solumat-

Shu drifted away from his thoughts as the boy finally stopped cooing at him and waved a hand in front of his face saying, "Hey are you alright now?".

Shu looked at the boy and nodded his head quickly. He didn't really prefer speaking with people he's just met.

"Hm, okay and no feelings taken on the growling you must be so confused right now". The boy said.

He shuffled on his feet a bit before continuing, "So first introductions, hi my name's Valt and the reason you're here right now is because I found you in the woods bleeding with a nasty gash in your stomach area". This Valt said nervously.

Shu looked down at his chest and yes there were indeed many wraps of bandages on his skin. Huh he hadn't even noticed he was half naked until now.

He looked back up at Valt as he started to walk back to the orange liquid he had left on the spare table near the door. Valt walked right back at Shu holding out the bowl and a spoon towards him.

Valt, probably sensing Shu's confusion, put the bowl on the side of the bed and then moved to sit across from Shu.

"Don't worry it's not poison or anything it's just some soup my Mom made for you to get better."

Shu looked down at the soup then picked up the spoon and bowl and brought it up to his mouth to have a sip.

And Wow- it was really good. Shu blushed faintly due to his nervousness as he was kind of ashamed he had growled at Valt when he'd given him really nice hospitality in return.

"U-um". Valt perked up at finally hearing Shu speak which made Shu blush even more in embarrassment.

Shu took a tiny breath to somewhat compose himself which was not in his character at all and finally glanced back at Valt.

The Prince and the Bakerboy [Shu x Valt Story]Where stories live. Discover now