Chapter 2

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"Boys get up and get dressed. We have some people looking for siblings. Lets go" Tommy was up first. He got out of bed and crouched down to look under the bed. He grabbed a small suitcase and dragged it out. "Come on tubs, time to wake up. Maybe they will like you" tommy smiled as he opened it case up. He never liked himself, he hated his body, his height, his way of speaking. He almost never ate, as for the reason his clothes were so baggy. He loved his brother, just how he was just perfect. Tommy wasn't jealous or envious...he was happy for his older brother. Tubbo was cuter, hotter, kinder, sweeter. He was just the better one out of the two.

(Stop commenting about how you won't call your brother hot. I call my friends and my brother hot and I didn't/don't think anything of it)

The case had a few of cloths and some dolls. They were hand made, clearly with love...and a needle. Tommy made them. There was a bee, for Tubbo, a pig for himself and then two little boys representing Tubbo and Tommy. There was a small whine and a creek from the bed to witch tommy looked up to see Tubbo sat up with the greatest bed hair in the world. "Here" Tommy threw a long sleeved green top at Tubbo and some pail trousers...and some blue boxers. "You change here okay. I'll change in the bathroom" Tubbo nodded and watched his tall young brother leave the room.

Tubbo changed into the comfortable clothes and stood up, walking over to the toy box. It had five toys in. Small brown, white and grey rabbits, a little polar bear and an apple. Tubbo closed the box and sighed. He was the optimistic one out of the two. He was extremely excited for the day, he was certain he was going to get adopted. The door opened. "Oh hi miss Micaw how can I help?" Tubbo asked, standing up and putting his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels. "Get Thomas and go downstairs straight into the dining room, no food" Tubbo nodded and watched the lady leave.

Tommy walked in, a towel around his shoulder as he rubbed his damp hair. "Miss Micaw wants us downstairs now" Tommy nodded and threw his towel onto his bed. "Shall we?" Tommy asked, holding out his hand. Tubbo grabbed his Tommys hand and they walked out of the room

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