I'll Show That Alpha

Start from the beginning

Landon's usually tanned face, which went great with his blondish brown hair and brown eyes, was pale. "Are you okay?" I asked him, worry evident in my expression.

"Yeah, for some reason I just got a little car sick is all." He said closing his eyes and leaning his head against the window.

"Alright I will try to go a little slower" he just nodded and I took that as a clue to be quiet.

Finally Martie came out, she had brown hair and hazel eyes.

Martie and I have been friends since fourth grade and ever since we met Landon the three of us have been inseparable.

"Morning Martie!" I whisper yelled when she opened my car door.

"Morning Haze! Running last night was so fun, huh?" She said with the same volume that I used after she realized Landon's state.

I gave her my best SHUT UP eyes but it was too late.

 Landon stepped in "Martie! Why would you support her procrastination? You know she had the essay!" He said with humor.

"But Landon, it was just too tempting to pass up. And she would have gotten it done eventually!" Martie said with a whiney voice.

"Landon! I obviously would not do anything that would affect my straight A's! Don't worry so much." I said laughing.

After that he just leaned his head on the window and we all sat in a pleasant silence.

As we neared the high school the roads started to fill with cars of teens that were both horrible drivers and scared of being late, not a good combination.

We finally pulled into a parking spot, and right as we got to the front of the school we saw Martie's mate, Colby. She immediately ran toward him.

Once a werewolf turns 15 they are capable of finding their mate. Although extremely rare, because most people find theirs around 17-20, it is obviously not impossible.

But a werewolf that finds their mate at 15 and 16 don't have the extreme amount of lust and need to be with their mate physically because werewolves don't fully mature hormonally like that until they are 17. So Martie and Colby are not fully mated since they don't have the need to be yet.

Landon and I walked over to the two lovebirds just as they finished saying their hellos.

"Sup guys?" Colby asked us.

"Hey Colby" Landon and I said at the same time.

"So have any of you heard anything more on Alpha Peters?" Colby asked us.

"Nah, but with him getting so old and having no kids I would assume a new alpha will have to be named eventually. I just have no idea who it would be." Landon said, stealing the words out of my mouth.

 "Oh yeah I heard that we are having a pack meeting tonight, maybe that's what its going to be about." I said getting my word into the conversation.

Soon we all went our separate directions and the day flew by fairly quickly. Next thing I knew we were driving home and I was pulling into my driveway.

 "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled once I entered my house.

I walked further into my house and found my parents sitting on the couch.

My mothers black hair pulled into a messy bun and her eye makeup a little messed up on her hazel eyes.

"Dad? Whats going on?" His brown hair slightly messy and green eyes sad.

"Hazel, Christine and I have something to tell you." My dad said with sadness.

"What?" At this point I was freaking out inside, my parents have never been this serious before. I had no idea what this was about.

"Hazel." My mother said  "Alex and I have decided to get a divorce."

My stomach twisted into tight knots with just one sentence.

My parents were not actual mates, my dads mate died and my mom never found hers and then they met and fell in love, which obviously they fell out of.

"WHY! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!?" I screamed, scared of what they might say.

 "Hazel, I found my mate. I'm so sorry I tried too let the seperation start too take place,but I just couldn't. I love your dad very much and we mean a lot to each other still, but a mate is a mate." My mom

I looked at my dad and he looked.....understanding. He looked completely fine.

I was about to cry and I wouldn't show them that.

I ran as quick as I could to my room and cried until I couldn't anymore. I looked at the clock and it read 5:00, I had to get up and get ready for the meet. I put on a simple dress and re did my makeup and walked downstairs.

I was met by my parents at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hazel, we will and always will be a family. This is not ending on bad terms. I love your mother, she will always be dear to my heart as I to hers." My dad said looking in my eyes

"I'm glad this is so great for you then." I sneered then walked out the door and drove myself to the meet.

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