Appa's here...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a whimper from the arms of Hyunjin.

Turning to look at Hyunjin to see Jimin clutching into his (Hyunjin's) neon hoodie and looking at the house in fear.

There's no time to be scared Y/N, be strong for Jimin!

Walking towards the duo as I take off the headphones from Jimin and looking at him with an assuring smile.

"You know the plan Minnie, blast your music because we're going to play hide and seek, okay?" I asked, watching him nod at me as he put the headphones on and clutched onto my phone with his small chubby hands.

Taking him into my arms as I kiss his forehead, smiling when he relaxed and rested his head on my shoulder.

Looking up at Hyunjin whose face was filled with confusion and worry.

"Are you guys going to be okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, we'll be fine. See you on Monday" I waved.

"Bye" he waved back leaving me and Jimin.

With a sigh I entered the house, racing up the stairs as I set Jimin down. Watching him run to his room and hearing him slam his door shut and a click was heard indicating he locked it.

Smiling sadly as I walked back downstairs to look at the room in horror, everything was touched and scattered everywhere.

Not one place was left untouched. Looking up to see my father standing there, panting as he looked at me with a glare and red eyes. He's high.

"You're here" I whispered in fear.

"Surprise" he said sarcastically.
"Now where's the fucking money?!" He shouts taking a step forward causing me to take one backwards.

"I-I don't ha-have-"

I was cut off by a stinging pain on my cheek, looking at my father with glossy eyes after the slap I've taken.

"Don't give me that fucking bullshit! Now WHERE'S THE FUCKING MONEY!!" He shouted looking at me with red eyes.

Falling down on my knees as I look at my father with folded palms.

"Please A-appa, I-I-I need the money for the h-house, f-for Ji-Jimin's Daycare" I said choking on my sobs.

Looking up at him with pleading eyes, only to fall on my chest when he elbows me in the face.

"Give me the FUCKING MONEY!!" He shouted, looking at me with a glare.

"N-no!" I shouted back shaking my head.

Only to gasp in shock when he kicks me in my stomach, getting pushed back into the wall. Groaning, whimpering and crying out as he continuously kicks me in my stomach. Some on my face and some on my legs.

This carries on until I jerk forward, coughing up blood as I look up at him with bloodshot and pleading eyes that says one word.

Stop, please...

"You want me to get Jimin?" He asked looking at me with a sinister smile.

Widening my eyes in fear and shock.

He always pulls that card, fuck!!

Shaking my head when he takes a warning step towards the stairs.

"F-fine, I'll tell you!!" I shouted with a cry.

As I pointed to the direction of the money, I was kicked one final time before I started coughing up again. Feeling the world spin around me as my head starts to pain.

"Goodbye you Bitch!" He shouted before walking out and slamming the door shut.

As I looked at the glass pieces under my face, I couldn't helps my face to fall side ways onto it with a cry.

Feeling blood oozing out of my cheek as I stare at a blurry figure of a child run towards me shouting something. But I couldn't hear...

And like that I blacked out.

Jimin's POV:

As I ran into my room and locked the door, I slid down the door clutching onto my Noona's headphones.

Flinching everytime when I hear shouting downstairs. I rocked back and forth with tears running down my red flushed cheeks.

"N-noona otay Minnie, Noona o-otay- ah!" I flinched when I heard the door shut.

Appa gone?

As I left my room and slowly but cautiously walked down the stairs. I couldn't help the high pitched scream that left my mouth.

Bwood (blood)


I screamed for my sister as I watched her close her eyes.


◇Are You Okay?◇ [Hwang Hyunjin X Depressed Reader] (Straykids FF) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now