Chapter 28: Heart matters (1)

Start from the beginning

   After another hour, Maya and Farkle had fallen asleep, Smackle was playing an educational game on her phone, Riley was texting Evan, and I was reading a book while also secretly taking peeks at the peaceful, sleeping Farkle.

  "Here we are," Mr. Matthews grumbled as we turned into the lodge's parking lot. Riley was bouncing in her seat, practically scrambling to get out of the car.

  "Riley calm down, Mr. Matthews hasn't even stopped the car yet," I groaned. "I'm about to see Evan!!" Riley squealed, causing Maya and Farkle to wake up and Smackle and I to cover our ears from the ear-splitting sound.

   "What's going on?" Farkle asked groggily, causing me to bite my lip to hide my grin. "We just arrived at our destination Dearest," Smackle explained to him. "Oh," Farkle replied and leaned back against his travel pillow.

  Mr. Matthews parked the car and Riley immediately scrambled out and ran inside. The rest of us got out after her, with much less energy, and began unloading the car of our luggage.

  As we finally entered the lodge we heard Riley squeal with joy as Evan spun her around. "Evan I've missed you so much!" "I've missed you too Princess," he responded, and he continued to hold her in his embrace. I smiled at the encounter, Riley and Evan really were perfect for each other.

   "Okay great where's our rooms?" Maya asked, ignoring the love spell in front of her. "You, and Shauna are staying in Room 217, Riley and Smackle are staying in room 218, and Farkle is staying in room 221," Mr. Matthews said as he handed us our keys. "Great thanks," Maya said, taking her key, "Nap time."
   "Maya, are you seriously going to take a nap right now? We just got here," Riley whined. "Yup," Maya said and headed up the stairs.

   I laughed and turned to the rest of the group, "Okay so what's the plan?" "Well I have to finish my shift, but the ski lift is open if you guys want to ski," Evan suggested.
  Riley chuckled, "I'm too clumsy for skiing. I think I'll just stay here with you if you don't mind." "Sounds good to me," Evan grinned, "What about the rest of you guys?"

  Farkle shrugged and looked out the window nervously, "I guess I could try skiing." I nodded in agreement, "Yeah same here. I'll give it a shot. Smackle, what do you say? Want to ski?"
She shook her head,  "I'd rather not. I have some other things I'd like to do anyway, but you two have fun," she told us and headed up to her room.

"Alright, well you and me?" Farkle asked me. I smiled and nodded, "You and me," I said and we headed out into the snowy woods.

  Farkle was looking down at the ground below us and was breathing heavily.

  "Are you okay?" I asked from the seat beside him on the ski lift. He nodded and took a shaky breath, "Yeah... I'm just a little scared of heights," he admitted with a nervous chuckle.
"Well don't worry, we'll be on the ground pretty soon," I assured him. He nodded and said nothing else for the next few minutes.

   Soon enough we had hopped off the lift and were standing at the top of the hill with our poles in the snow to steady us. "Ready?" I asked, turning to Farkle. He nodded, "Let's do this."

  We both pushed off and started to descend down the snowy banks. Between shouting, screaming and falling down, we finally made it to the bottom of the slope.

  "That was fun," Farkle said flatly and he stood with his hands on his knees panting. "Hey it was fun!" I pouted. "Yeah, okay," He rolled his eyes, "I don't think skiing is my thing." I laughed, "I don't think it's mine either, but it was a fun experience. "Agreed."

  "Should we head back?" "Yeah let's go," I said and we headed back to the lodge.


   A couple days had passed again. Riley and Evan were now an official couple and I was really happy for them. Maya had spent most of the trip either sleeping, talking to Lucas or sketching. Although she seemed to be enjoying herself. I continued to check up on her but she actually was very content with everything.

  "I'm heading down to the lobby. You gonna come?" I asked Maya. "Nah I'm good. You go ahead though." "Okay, are you sure?" She laughed, "Yes! Trust me I just have a lot of artistic inspiration right now." "Okay cool. See you later." "Bye," she waved me out of the room and I chuckled as I shut the door behind me.

  I entered the wooden lobby and smiled as I took in the scent of fresh pine. I really loved this place. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Farkle was sitting by the bay window looking concerned.
  "Mind if I join you?" He looked up, nodded and went back to staring out the frosted window. We sat in silence for a few moments but I could tell whatever Farkle was thinking about was important. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He ripped his attention from the window, "What?" "You look really concerned about something. I was wondering if you want to talk about it," I explained.

  He sighed and cupped his chin in his hands, his elbows rested on his knees that were drawn up to his body, "How do you know if two people have Chemistry?" he asked me, his concerned, blue eyes stared at me. "Oh," I sighed, pushing my hair out of my face.

I thought for a second and looked back at him, "I think..." I began cautiously, "If you have to question whether you have Chemistry with someone, then you probably don't."

  Farkle sat up straight and a small smile of relief tugged at his mouth, "Wow," his smile grew, "You are completely right! Thank you."
"Your welcome," I replied but then I frowned a bit, "Wait what did I just help you with exactly?" "Smackle and I don't have any chemistry. You helped me realize that."

I sucked in a breath and blew it out. This wasn't good. "You realized that from a few simple words?" He shook his head, "No I've kinda known that for a while, I just needed something to confirm it." "Oh."

  A few seconds passed and I finally broke the silence, "So... what are you gonna do?" "I think I need to break up with her."

I nodded, my palms were sweaty and guilt was pulling at my stomach, "Well if that's what you think is best..." I trailed off, trying to keep my voice steady. "Yeah I think it is," he nodded confidently, "I'll be right back."

  "Wait you're breaking up with her right now!" "Yeah. I think now is the best time." "Why don't you wait until after we get back home?" I asked worriedly.
  He sighed, "I don't want to continue leading her on for the next week. It's best if I get this over with now." I released a breath and wiped my palms on my jeans, "Alright. Well good luck." "Thanks. I'll need it," he said and disappeared up the stairs.

  I released a breath I didn't realize I had been holding and sunk back into the cushions of the bay window. What had I done?

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