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Hayley ran through the woods; branches snagging in her short hair and tearing her shirt. Prior to this very moment, she had been held captive in some old farm house on the outskirts of Mystic Falls where she hadn't been given any food, very little water, and no blood. It had weakened her, but she had lived through it and had killed Greta for being tortured...and because the vampire bitch had threatened to kill her daughter Hope.

Now she ran through the woods, going northeast,  still not entirely sure where she was headed though. She kept on running until she was in someplace that she didn't recognize. She came to a halt, noticing that she had come to a bridge that started from the road she was on and went across to an island of some sort.

Glancing over her shoulder, she was relieved when she didn't see any vampires. Looking forward again, she curiously made her way across the bridge. Once she got onto the other side, she noticed it was a small town with a donut shop, a small coffee shop with a sign on the window that said Perko's Koffee Kup, and a few other stores along the sidewalk. She walked down the sidewalk, looking around at the town until she came to a road that lead away from it. There was a sign that read Crowhaven Road.

She stopped again and stared at the sign for a moment before she began walking down the road. It didn't take her long before she came to a row of old looking houses; one was a Victorian style, but each one was different she noticed as she walked past them causally. At the very end of it, she stopped and stood by the large rocks, staring at the vast expanse of water. Where in the hell had she come to and why did it feel as though she wasn't alone here?

She cast a quick glance over her shoulder and saw one of the curtains in one of the houses move. Narrowing her eyes, she vamp sped away and waited at the edge of the treeline, waiting to see whoever it was that had been watching her show themselves.

"So, what are you supposed to be?", a throaty voice said behind her.

Hayley turned around to see she was staring at some young girl with golden eyes and a mane of black hair. She crossed her arms and said, "I would ask you but I know a witch when I see one. Anyway, I'm a hybrid. Now tell me something witch, where am I?"

"Wouldn't you like to know...well you might if you agree to do something for me.", the girl said, her golden eyes glinting in the darkness.

"Really? Blackmail? Look girl I'm not someone that you should get upset so do yourself a favor and just answer my question. Where I am?", Hayley said to her, slightly annoyed.

The girl rolled her eyes and rested her hands on her hips as she replied in a bored tone as if she had answered this question often, "New Salem Massachusetts. It's an island that outsiders stay away from."

Hayley looked around at the woods and the water and then back at the girl...but she wasn't there anymore. What in the hell? She looked around but still didn't see the girl anywhere. That's strange. How could someone who's not a hybrid or vampire move so fast? She hadn't any clues but she just sighed as she walked back down the road that was Crowhaven and to the end of it again, wondering where she could go.

"I have an extra room in my house...but I still need a favor done.", she heard that throaty voice say again to her right.

Turning her head, she saw the girl once more in a black kind of dress. But something about her seemed to call out to Hayley. She had this raw feeling of power but not like Hope...it was something much more ancient.

"Alright little witch. What do you need?", she said, her voice soft but angry a bit.

"The name's Faye and I need a silver diadem and a silver bracelet. You get those for me and I will answer any questions you have hybrid.", Faye said.

Hayley raised her chin up some and then glanced at the houses behind them, trying to figure out which ones had those things in them.

As if reading her mind, Faye said in that same bored tone of voice, "The diadem is in Diana's house, the first one that's yellow in the sunlight, and the bracelet is in the last house. Number twelve."

"What do you need with them? Why are they important to you?", Hayley asked her.

Faye glared and said bitterly, "It doesn't matter why I need them. Just go get them and bring them to me."

Hayley glared back and in a matter of seconds had her hand around Faye's neck before the young witch could even register what had taken place.

"Don't tell me what to do little witch. Answer my question and I won't kill you.", she said, her husky voice lowered and threatening.

"I need them for a spell....", Faye said through gritted teeth, not liking how this person had her held by the throat. She brought up a hand to cast a spell on Hayley but before she could Hayley let her go and she stepped away.

"What kind of spell?", Hayley questioned her with narrowed eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Just a spell that will give me what I want.", Faye replied as she narrowed her own golden eyes at Hayley.

Hayley hated nothing more than witches, the only exceptions being Davina and Freya who were her daughter Hope's two aunts. Davina had married Kol Mikaelson, Hope's uncle, while Freya turned out to be the long lost sister of the Mikaelson family. They both were very powerful witches but she guessed that they weren't nearly as powerful as this girl in front of her. She looked away from Faye and gazed at the different set of woodland that surrounded them on either side of the road known as Crowhaven.

"Fine...I'll help you get these items for you. But, if you even try to attack me or betray me at all, I will not hesitate to make sure you regret it.", she said as she looked back at Faye then.

Faye simply gave her a sideways smile while her eyes gleamed in the darkness of the morning sky.

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