Chapter 2

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Avia's eyes opened. She was in a rather blank room with a mattress, a towel with a picture, a charm bracelet, an alarm clock, a tablet, a book, 17 shurikens, her pocket knife, some sticks, a pen, a clipboard, and a few sheets of paper rested on it. It also contained a stack of clothes, one pair of pajamas, one pair of jeans, one t shirt, one dress, one jacket, one pair of socks, and a tank top with shorts in which she had on. She had a stuffed bear that her mother gave her on her very first birthday placed neatly in front of her pillow. Her father had burned everything else she had when she was a mere six years old. Her vision slowly anchored her head around the room. As she tried to stand, a sharp pain arose through her stomach. She lifted her shirt to inspect the area that the pain had come from and saw a large, purple bruise in which her father had so decently left for her. She crawled over to her emergency box that she kept in the corner of her small room and unlatched the hook. She lifted the lid of the box and pulled out a box that said Advil, some gauze rap, some neosporin, and some medical tape. She spread the neosporin on her large, throbbing bruise, wrapped the gauze wrap around her torso several times, taped it on with some medical tape, and took a single pill from the medication box, and sighed of relief. She had healed herself the best she could. She looked in the small, broken mirror that hung on her wall to identify any more wound and found several. One on her neck, one on her forehead, one on her thigh, and one on her arm. She mend them up the best she could and staggered into bed. The pain had reduced physically, but mentally she was hurt by her father's actions. She slowly forced herself to close her eyes and drifted to sleep

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