Custard in the Cortyard

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Tilly gazed out of her bedroom window, staring at the neighbours horses galloping along the fence. The neighbours farm was beautiful, with horses, cows, sheep, pigs, and they'd just re-painted their stable. Hers on the other hand had a few chickens, a whole lot of empty paddocks and an old, sheep dog called Boots( he's used to chew on them as a puppy), but because they didn't have any sheep, he just slept all day.
Tilly, is someone you would call horse crazy. She knew every fact about horses there was to know, she supported every horse rider she knew and everything in her room had a horse on it. But Tilly had a secret, she had never told anyone, not even her parents.
She was afraid of horses. The only time she would ever touch one was if her mum wanted a picture. Her parents never really noticed that she didn't ride them or spend time with them when she was with them, she just watched them.
Today was Tilly's birthday, and she was very exited to see her grandparents. They always came over for breakfast on her birthday. They also had a farm, but theirs was a horse farm, and they had a lot of horses.
" Tilly, Grandma and Grandpa are hear!" called Tilly's mum from downstairs.
" Coming!" replied Tilly, and she raced downstairs to see them.
" Grandma, Grandpa!" said Tilly excitedly, as she came out the door and on to the dirt driveway to see them.
" Theirs my cowgirl!" her Grandpa told her, while giving her a big hug." Happy birthday Till!" he said with a smile on his face.
" Happy Birthday Tilly!" said her Grandma, giving her an even bigger hug." My, you look older all ready! Oh, we got you a birthday present!" her Grandma told her.
" Oh, you didn't have to get me present." Tilly told them.
" Well, you are now 13, and I think it's high time you own one of these for your self!" her Grandpa told her very seriously. Tilly felt exited! What had her grandparents got her. She stared at them nervously. Her Grandpa pointed his finger towards the back paddock. Tilly turned and saw a beautiful palomino standing in the paddock looking towards her. Tilly was amazed at what she was seeing. She loved the horse, and she wanted to keep it, but she couldn't ride it. Then she thought, I'll love it and care for it and pat it but, I just won't ride it.
" That's one of the most well bread palominos in all of the country!" said her Grandpa proudly. " So make sure you take good care of him!"
" Well of-coarse she'll take good care of him Donald. My word, she knows more about horses than you do!" her Grandma told him." Now Tilly, what are you going to call him?" she said to Tilly.
" Custard." said Tilly with a caring shaky voice. " His name, is Custard!".

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