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Going over the poles, Tilly wondered how she could of gone through her life loving horses without ever riding one! She loved the speed, the wind, but most of all, the freedom! It was like she and her horse were one!
"Well done," Donald clapped as his granddaughter trotted over to him after she had finished the poles " I think you are now ready for something a bit more challenging! I'm going to set up a course for you and Custard with the hay bales, okay! Now, when you get to one of the jumps you squeeze your legs into Custard, alright! You also count the strides you take, because they are all the same length apart, and you must always be focused, so that you know when to take off, and trust me, you just do know! Don't show any fear, because he(pointing at Custard) will sense it and won't go for the jump! You got this Till, you got this!"

Once the course was set up, Tilly and Custard were at the starting line, and Tilly was remembering what her grandpa said!
"Okay boy, we got this!" She whispered to her horse, and off they went! 6..7..8 and squeeze, Tilly soared over the first jump! 6..7..8 and squeeze, over the second! Tilly was on top of it! She was focused and showed no fear as she and Custard were flying over the jumps! She was loving it, and could tell Custard was too!
After Tilly finished the course, she cooled down Custard with a slow canter!
"Till, I think soon you will be the master of all jumps! You were amazing, doing everything I asked! You counted the strides, were focused and showed no fear! How about you go treat Custard on an apple?" Custard's ears pricked at the sound of Apple, so Tilly took him to the stable for the treat he deserved

I hope you enjoy the book so far, I think it's going well! I promise it will get more interesting soon, in like two chapters! Oh, also I've decided to use the same picture for each chapter from now one because it's to hard to find new ones! Keep commenting and voting!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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