Kyojuro Rengoku x reader

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(i have not written a one shot before and hope you would be okay with it, my sincere apologies,
                                  Yakari-Chan/ Author-Chan.
It was a beautiful evening Kyojuro and you were staring at the mesmerizing sunset! Everything was well-  before that mission.

You were the wife of Kyojuro Rengoku, (Y/n) (L/N).  You died of because you could not adjust to a life without your husband. This is how you felt about his death.

You were working as a doctor in the Butterfly Estate. You were doing your daily routine when a crow came flew into your office." CAW, CAW, CAW , Kyojuro Rengoku has been killed by Upper Moon 3!" Your eyes were wide opened, you were shocked. How- he's a Hashira- you lost consciousness due to how shock you were. Your ray of sunshine was gone .

It has been a month since his death and you still could not adjust to it, all you did was lay in your bed just like his father. Senjuro suggested you to go outside and get some fresh air. You did and it made you felt better! You lost track of time and sat on a hill watching the sunset like you used to just not with Kyojuro... You were starting to get sleeping and fell asleep as you had forgotten about demons. That was how you died, a very simple death! When you woke up you saw your beloved and immediately rushed into his arms!

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