The meeting

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Louis point of view:-

Louis juts got home from work, it was a busy day he was building a new mansion for the "billionaire" that was coming. He was gonna be the first person to see him because he is giving the keys to him but that's next week. anyway  Phoebe his sister was staying with him because his sisters boyfriend Zayn just broke up with her. He went to the room she was staying in to comfort her, he brought her some snake and he is gonna watch a movie with her and do face masks. The thing was he wasn't out the closet... only Phoebe knew not his mum or other 2 sisters.

About a month later:
Louis friend Liam came over to say good luck on today with the house. "Good luck today lad" sad Liam.

"Thanks" said Louis.

"Right I've got to go I'm meeting him at 12:00"

"Cool bye" said Liam

So off Louis went he jumped in his car and just down the road a bit and then turned there was the mansion that him and his team built. It was a beautiful white stoned wall with amazingly green grass with a water fall just coming out of the house then a picnic area just under a tall tree with pink flowers on it.
Soon after Louis saw a black limo pull up and coming out of it was a tall man a lot taller than Louis the man was in a flowery Gucci suit.
Louis has never saw such a amazingly hot guy before apart from his English teacher in higher school but that was about 15 years ago.
He walked up to the tall man and said

"hi my name is Louis" reaching out for a hand shake.
The man shakes his hand and replied with

"hi I'm Harry are you the guy that's gonna give me my keys or what?"

"Yes" exclaimed Louis
louis reaches into his pockets to grab the keys but noticed that he never brought his keys.
Louis thought to himself, I can't embarrass myself he panicked and then just blurted it out

"Oh my god...I've left your keys at my house I'll have to go get them sorry"

"It's ok I'll come if you want" smiled Harry
Louis blushed and smiled back and said

"Yes please that will be good it's a 10 minute drive" said Louis

"alright,we better hurry because my parents are coming over soon" said Harry

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