Thursday, September 17 2020

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I have always had this place in my head that's like a light switch, the minute I feel I've made a mistake it turns on and causes my brain to go hyperactive and over think. God I hate that word! I recently started grade 10, which is my first year of high school. I've struggled with anxiety since I was a kid, it was really bad in grade eight when I started to harm myself, I would take apart my shaving razor and come up for reasons why I deserved it, why I should just go all the way into my arm and be over with it all. Why am I writing this now? Well it's not exactly to tell my story it's what I go through with this story, I can't talk to anyone around me anymore so this is how I'll get this out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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