Chapter 4.

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Previously on... fall love.

Nick- You wanna know something I like you OK yes I do like you yes and yes I might say something that sorta Kinda hurt your feelings but I like you regardless what you think I like you I really do like you but I don't like to show my emotions or my feelings to anybody I don't even show my feelings or emotions to the boys

Nick-yes maybe hard to believe but I do

(y/n looks out the window)

Nick-why are you look so confuse like you look lost like I just said an impossible math problem

y/n- you did say an impossible math problem you said you like me and I'm confused like so confused you hated me since Edwin introduce me to you I don't understand why didn't you just tell me right then or when you start to catch feelings (you laugh nervously and just stand there quiet)

Nick-so now you wanna be quiet after this whole entire time you wanted me to talk to you now you don't wanna talk

y/n- I- I really don't know what to say I am confused and lost why do like me that's the question nick I cannot fall in love I cannot because of things I don't want to mention because I feel like you're going to use them against me when we go back to fighting because I know we're going to go back to fighting because that's how we are and that's what we are we always do fight and argue

Nick- I completely get why you don't like me I don't know if you like me or not you haven't said anything but I'm not gonna treat you bad it may seem that way because of the way I have acted towards you and I'm not like yes I was like that but I actually not ask the boys

y/n- nick look You can be sweet sometimes and I like that but don't get me wrong I think you're a sweet person and some people may say that you're really fine (he smiles) me as a person I don't know how I would do with another relationship I don't wanna put my business out there and then you use it against me like I said you know

Nick- I'm not gonna use it against you I really do like you I don't want to force you into doing anything that you don't want to do but I just want to let my feelings out I never let my feelings

y/n- Nick I just want to say that it's not you it's me as a person I know people say that all the time and stuff but honestly with me as a person I feel like all my feelings inside of me will not come out and I don't want to say maybe I should just like tell you why I'm scared to like you or like scared to fall in love with you, you know

Nick- You know I'm not pressuring you to tell me you don't have to tell me if you don't want to

y/n- can I trust you

Nick- yes you can trust me
(you give him the side eye look )

y/n- So from all of my relationships in school and other stuff they were bad because like of course school relationships are not gonna last And it's crazy cause I was in a relationship freshman year of high school and he was so controlling and he was like you can't talk to this person you can talk to that person he wouldn't even let me talk to my cousin which was a boy he's a male seriously come on dude like toxic toxic no no no (in baby voice)

Nick- what you so no like that (laughing slightly)

y/n- (you smile) anyways at that time I was like I'm done with this boy I tried to break up with him multiple times I'm not that type of person that could just be like hey I'm dumping you I waited for him to break up with me he was going around telling people we were still dating which he thought we were dating but he was cheating he was flirting with multiple of my friends one of my friends didn't know we were dating because we were not that close then he finally broke up with me when I tell you I was the happiest person on earth I was the happiest person he tried to make me jealous which wasn't working because I didn't want him in the first place I was really bored so I just dated him
(Nick being shook)
Nick- y/n that was crazy you said you were the happiest person on earth

y/n- I mean I was but listen carefully if we do date I don't want us to be like that I don't want to be like my other pass relationships
(You start to cry a little)
one of my boyfriends beat on me constantly and I was just like I really liked him but at same time I want to leave but if I leave he was gonna beat me
(Nick comes and hugs you)
I do want to be in a relationship but I scared it like I'm just really scared and I don't want to get heartbroken again because I don't want to be the same person that I was in college or high school when a boy used me broke my heart call me all types of names and I was left at my dorm room crying sometimes by myself because my friends were in class like they came back and they comfort me but it's just I don't wanna go back to the dark times in my life

Narrative POV
He starts to walk close to you and
grab your waist but you don't move his hands y/n starts to ramble about things that has nothing to do with what they were talking so he kissed her

(You look up at nick)
y/n- why did you do that (laughs nervously)
Nick- because you were talking so much and I wanted you to shut up

(y/n starts walking to the door)
Nick- don't leave
y/n- what do you want nick
nick- tell me your feelings I poured my heart out to you now you do the same

y/n- okay, well I don't believe you like I really don't believe you like it there's nothing to like about me literally nothing at all to like about me what do you like about me name one thing that you like about me
(While your talking he cuts you off mid sentence and kisses you)

Nick- this time I meant that one

Narrative POV
y/n Backs up from the kiss then looks nicks directly in his eyes then goes back in for the kiss they start to kiss passionately

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