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Aaron was sleeping soundly with Ana curled into his chest when his phone rang. His eyes opened slowly and he yawned as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. He reached over to answer his phone, trying not to wake Ana up.

"Hotchner." He said tiredly.

"Boss, we have a case." Garcia said on the other line.

Aaron nodded even though his technical analyst couldn't see him. "I'm on my way Garcia." He ended the call and felt Ana shift below him.

He smiled when he saw her eyes flutter open and looked up at him, confused. A soft sound that sounded similar to his name slipped sleepily past her lips.

"Hey. I've gotta go to work now." He murmured, burying his face in her hair. She sighed and didn't move an inch, gripping Aaron's shirt lightly as she felt herself drift off to sleep. "Beautiful." He said lowly. Ana hummed and lifted her head up again, looking at him questioningly. "Hayley is coming to pick up Jack around ten. Please can you make sure he's ready for her."

Ana nodded hazily, groaning as Aaron pressed a kiss on top of her head and slipped off the bed. Ana smirked as she watched Aaron strip out of his clothes and throw on a suit in what felt like seconds.

"Good luck." She sung out tiredly.

He smiled tiredly at the sleepy woman in his bed and grabbed his coat, making sure Jack was safe and asleep before leaving for work.

Ana woke up four hours later to the loud scurry of footsteps getting louder as they neared Aaron's room. There was only one person who could do that, and Ana laughed as he stuck his head in the room, a toothy grin on his face as he ran up to her.

"Morning bud." She smiled.

"Hello." He said shyly, "Where's my dad?"

"He had to go to work, but your mom's coming to pick you up later." Jack pouted as he listened to her. "How about we make waffles in the mean time? You just go brush your teeth and then we can start making them, okay?"

Jack nodded excitedly, flashing her a wide smile as he scrambled off the bed and went to the bathroom. Ana did the same and got ready for the day, throwing on some clothes. When they were both done, they started making waffles in the kitchen. Ana turned the radio on and started dancing to the music — Jack noticed and burst out laughing.

She gave him as funny smile, "What?"

He giggled, "You dance funny."

"Oh yeah." She laughed, grabbing his hands, "I bet you dance funny too."

He squealed as they danced around the kitchen, laughing loudly as the lively music flowed around them. Only stopping to make a waffle periodically. An hour later, both of them were out of breath as Ana loaded the waffles onto their plates and seated themselves at the kitchen island, not feeling the need to go all the way to the dining room table.

Her and Jack talked about his two favorite subjects — cartoons and his dad.

He told her all about the cases he'd worked on — well the ones that he knew off — and he talked all about how he was catching the bad guys, like the heroes in his cartoons. Which caused the both of them to go on a huge spiel about cartoon heroes, in the middle of which they relocated to the couch and switched a cartoon on, letting it play in the background as Jack talked to her. He was an extremely entertaining little boy, his dad was lucky to have him.

Before they knew it, ten am rolled around and the doorbell rang. Jack packed up his stuff and Ana made sure everything was tidy before going to answer the door. She wasn't sure how Hayley was going to take to her being at Aaron's house and spending time with Jack.

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