Chapter 4 - The Gemini Twins

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Kathryn stared up at Jenny in annoyance. She did not want to deal with Jenny tonight. The woman had too much energy and at the moment Kathryn had none.

"Why are you here so late in the night knocking me off my bed, Jenny? If you knew how exhausted I was, you would not be teasing me right now."

Kathryn was suddenly lifted and put back in bed. Jenny laid down behind her, wrapped her arms around her and snuggled up to her. "You are so not fun when you're in a bad mood. Let's have a sleep over!"

"Jenny, please let me go," Kathryn said patiently. She knew there would be no sleeping tonight as long as she was here.

"Let's talk. I haven't seen you in a while, don't you want to know about all my adventures?" Jenny sat up and crossed her legs.

Kathryn turned around and sat up facing her. She looked at the clock. It was 2:00am. "Can it wait until the morning?"

"No, because if I don't tell you now, I will forget, and you know my mind is so full of information that I'll..."

"Ok, ok,!" Kathryn gave in. She stared at the pretty woman before her. Jenny looked more like a teenager than an adult. She had white blonde hair and blue eyes the color of the sky on a sunny day. Her skin was pale, but her cheeks were always the prettiest pink. She was a petite and delicate thing. When she stood up, the top of her head only came up to Kathryn's upper stomach, then again, Kathryn was pretty tall at the height of 6 feet.

"So, I went to Japan and saw the newest anime before they even show it in the U.S., and I dressed as Sailor Moon at a convention. Did I tell you that's my latest obsession now? Want to see how I look?"

"No," Kathryn tried to stop her, but it was too late. Jenny had already changed into Sailor Moon and stood on top of her bed showing off.

"Don't I look just like her?" she grinned proudly and twirled around some type of glittery baton...

The window to the bedroom suddenly flew open. Kathryn knew who was about to appear before she saw him. Whenever Jenny was around, her twin brother always followed, one was rarely seen without the other. She jumped off the bed and ran to the window to close it, hoping to keep him out. She could not deal with the Gemini twins tonight. Sleep was what she needed.

Her hair suddenly began to twirl loose from its braids. "What the..." her hand flew to her head to stop it and that's when she saw him. Justin floated to her in the night air on a skateboard that left a glittering trail on the wind. He was a sight to behold she had to admit. The man was practically glowing. He had long white blond hair and sky blue eyes and the face of his sister. He was quite beautiful for a man. The only difference from his sister was that he was taller than Jenny. He was the same height as Kathryn. He had a lanky build and used it to his advantage to move like the wind. She backed away as he flew through the window. The wind blew her hair completely free of her braids until it hung loosely around her shoulders and down her back.

"Beautiful," he told her. The skateboard disappeared as he walked to her and stood in front of her. "Absolutely, beautiful," he said softly, his beautiful sky-blue eyes staring deeply into her. He ran his fingers through her hair. "Why do you choose to keep your gorgeous hair tied up like ropes? It should flow freely in the wind at all times." His long fingers tenderly caressed the side of her cheek. "When are you going to marry me?"

Kathryn's placed a hand on her chest to stop her heart from fluttering. It was hard not to fall for the suave and charming Gemini man. He knew how to use his looks and that silver tongue of his to get whatever he wanted from a woman.

"You have some nerves, the both of you," Kathryn glanced at Jenny, "intruding on my privacy like this. If I wasn't so weak at the moment, I would send you both flying out the window."

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